Wednesday, April 29, 2015

21 Apr 15 - GC DPW Brown Bag Closing Comments

GC Closing Comment: Feel free to send me an email with any concerns.

21 Apr 15 - Ft Stewart Football Golf Project

Question:  Are there any plans to construct a Football Golf Project at Ft Stewart?

Answer:  We are evaluating the program right now at Hunter AAF.  If it is successful, we can implement at Ft Stewart.  Overall, the cost to implement is very inexpensive (approx. $5K).

21 Apr 15 - Civilian Game Wardens

Question:  Are the Civilian Game Wardens being replaced with Soldiers?

Answer:  There is no current no plan to replace Department of the Army Conservation Law Enforcement Officers with Soldiers.

21 Apr 15 - Unit ISR Inspections

Question:  Units are not completing their ISR inspections in a timely manner.  What can be done about that?

Answer:  I will re-emphasize the timelines for completion to the units.

21 Apr 15 - NCO Academy Instructors

Question:  Are there any civilian instructors at the NCO Academy?  If not, can we assist if needed?

Answer:  Currently the instructors are only active duty Soldiers, but we can let them know we do have experienced civilians that can assist with instruction if needed.

21 Apr 15 - IMCOM Training Courses

Question:  Can IMCOM reduce the 90 day requirement in obtaining funding approval on attending training courses?

Answer:  IMCOM is currently in the process of redeveloping the workforce development program, but it takes a lot of time.  We can look at some exceptions to policy with regards to those unique training courses offered.

21 Apr 15 - Employee Cross Training

Question:  Cross training opportunities: There is so much competitiveness (ICTAP, VEOA, etc).  Despite having degrees, some fields and series are extremely difficult to move up/out from within for professional development (ie: Supply Tech).  What can we do?
Answer:  I would recommend not limiting yourself to only Ft Stewart as the reality is there are only so many positions on the TDA.  Continue to strive in making yourself marketable and more competitive.  Cross training is very important to me, but you have to also be mobile or open to relocation in order to move up sometimes.  This should be discussed with your supervisor during counseling periods.  I encourage all employees to look at other opportunities for advancement/career development and cross training certainly helps in making you marketable.  This can be discussed and approved between Directors and can even be split up over time (ie: 2 hrs/day).  It’s all about taking care of employees and is something outlined within my Annual Training Guidance.

21 Apr 15 - Service Contract Contingency Clins

Question:  Service Contracts (ie: Cost Plus): Is there any way to add a clause to service contracts to add additional funding instead of going through an entire “re-signing” process?  In other words, can we as IMCOM for De-obligated funds that were not used to cover incidentals? (Example was: set original contract lower but have funds available in needed in a “general fund of some kind” if needed).
Answer: The answer is yes.  We can and sometimes add a "contingency clin" to a service contract without any funding on it initially.  If funding is needed urgently we can quickly add funding to the clin that has already been established without re-negotiating the entire contract.  Or, if there is money on a clin that is not needed at the end of a contract we can de-obligate those dollars and ideally use them for another purpose.  DPW is currently looking at all their contracts to see where this needs to be done.

21 Apr 15 - Pedestrian Crossing Adjacent DPW

Question:  The pedestrian crossing in front of DPW (Bldg 1137) is not being followed or adhered to by motorist and many have almost been struck while crossing the roadway. How can this be resolved?

Answer:  We can increase patrols in that area and we may need to do a campaign.  We are going to see more traffic circles since statistics have shown they reduce accidents overall. We have increase patrols presents during peak times mentioned to enforce traffic regulations.   

21 Apr 15 - HWY144 Right of Way Easement Projects

Question:  What is the status on the HWY 144 Right of Way Easement Projects?
Answer:  It is still a valid project ($41M) and is a 50/50 state/federally funded project (Traffic circle adjacent to Loves Gas Station and 14 miles onto post).  This issue is funding and there currently is no MCA funding available.  Funding challenges also impact our surrounding communities such as TSPLOST not passing, which had an impact.

21 Apr 15 - HWY 119/144 Auto Accidents

Question:  HWY 119/144 Auto Accidents (specifically at Trail# 43 – Red Cloud Hotel) and FS Road 144 and 149.  What are the required precautions of military vehicles crossing the highways and use of Road Guards?
Answer:  Convoy speeds are posted and all track vehicle require road guards whereas wheeled vehicles do not require road guards.  Many commanders have made efforts to reinforce the old rules of 100 meters between vehicles in convoys.  However, if any person observes an unsafe act while travelling on the roads and highways, please report it to the MPs. Fort Stewart Regulation 385-14 also outlines the policy for tank trail crossing of units that are operating in the training areas.  Range Control along with the Military Police have and will continue to enforce this policy.  Signs are also posted to alert drivers of tank crossing ahead. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

1 Apr 15 - GC Funding Update

GC Update: So for the rest of the year looking at our spending perspective, IMCOM is $840M short.  LTG Halverson has pulled 4th quarter UFM funds from MWR to cover costs, but are still short.  We are currently 63% obligated.  We may lose a couple of contracts in 3rd and 4th quarter.  Directors need to have a backup plan.  I don’t see a large pot of extra money at the end of the year.

1 Apr 15 - Unruly Soldier Outprocessing

Question:  When an unruly Soldier is out-processing and the MPs are called to escort him out, should they be escorted by them when they return a second/third time?

Answer:  They should be escorted by an NCO from their unit.  They need to go through their chain of command.  I can guarantee you that they will escort the Soldier.  MPs do not escort Soldiers to out-processing appointments.

1 Apr 15 - Casualty Assistance Office

Question:  Casualty Assistance Office:  Assisting surviving spouse of a Retiree.  We are told that we can only assist Active Duty families.  Before we sent the Soldier to Florida to assist the surviving spouse, we asked SOS and they said that the Soldier could not travel and they would not pay for it.

Answer:  We need to look at each situation on a case-by-case basis.  We are preaching Soldier for Life, so we can’t just be promoting it on a slide.  We need to do what’s right and take care of their families too.  We need to get with ACS and SOS and discuss a way ahead on how to improve this situation.  I will approve it.

ACS/SOS Response: We service Retirees and invite them to all our events. The problem is we don't have information on issues really pertinent to them like VA and RSO when it comes to Widows Pension or SBP.  We help them by referring them to those agencies and ones such as AER or local agencies if they need food, shelter or clothing. The issue of whether or nor not we go to their homes is on a case by case basis but Active Duty SOS is not like SOS Reserve or SOS NG in which their main job/focus is to  visit families in their homes. We have always been told that we have money to travel but not specifically to homes for visits but to set up within local events to get the SOS message out there and we plan to do that whenever possible with plans to visit Valdosta in the near future.  SOS Financial Counselor has been assisting all Survivors, retirees and active duty when requested and can set up an appointment at a predetermined location. We will service and answer questions for anyone who needs it and never ever turn ANYONE AWAY.  Sir, we not only answer the questions we call the agencies to get the exact information so Survivors do not get the run around or get confused.  But if the case is still active and benefits have not been received within the Casualty arena Ms. Linda Johnson the Benefit Coordinator is the best person to handle those issues. No problems have been brought to our attention or Casualty that I am aware of. We work well to handle all Survivor issues.

1 Apr 15 - GC Priorities

Question:  We are submitting our priorities up the chain, but what are your priorities?  So that we can submit them down to our staff.

Answer:  Unless something drastically changes, my main priority is workforce development and people.  We have broken the trust of our civilians.  I am doing what I can to help.  How is the Army Career Tracker (ACT) program working in your area?

DHR:  Pretty good.  We have had several people already attend CES Intermediate and Advanced Courses and we are focusing on quarterly training.  We have recently made a motto for DHR:  People first – mission always.

1 Apr 15 - IMCOM HQ Staff

Question:  There is a lot of frustration with the IMCOM HQs staff.  Is there any opportunity for them to receive training as to how Garrisons run?

Answer:  Yes LTG Halverson recognizes the situation and is trying to fix IMCOM first before sending folks down to the Garrison level.  He has already pulled some folks from the Region and Garrison level to work at IMCOM HQs.  They are promoting the Talent Management and Developmental Assignment Program (DAP) trying to get folks to go work at IMCOM HQs, and there is also talk about splitting ACSIM away from IMCOM in August.  We all recognize the situation, but it is out of my control.

1 Apr 15 - 4th of July Celebration

Question:  Will there be a 4th of July celebration this year?

Answer:  Yes it will probably be the same as what we had last year:  Twilight Tattoo and fireworks, but no band due to the cost.  FMWR has looked into bringing a pay-as-you-go concert to FS/HAAF but they cannot make the budget work to be able to afford that either.

1 Apr 15 - Museum Move

Question:  Where has the museum moved to?

Answer:  The museum is now in Bldg 507, which is by the Main Post Chapel.  It will open in conjunction with the 75th Anniversary of Fort Stewart in November during Marne Week.  Right now they are in the process of building displays.  Mr. Meeks is the Museum Director and will let you stop by to take a look.

1 Apr 15 - Veterans Parkway Widening

Question:  Why are we widening Veterans Parkway on post as a GA road?
Answer:  It will ease the large flow of traffic coming on and going off post which benefits the city as well.  The city and State are also paying part of the bill, so we end up only paying about 20% of the bill.

1 Apr 15 - Vehicle Registration Status

Question:  What is the status on vehicle registration on post?

Answer:  The stickers are gone.  We are no longer using them.  We are going to the Visitor Control Center (VCC) and the Automated Installation Entry (AIE).  AIE2+ should be in effect by August.  The system will be able to read your CAC card or driver’s license and tell if there are any discrepancies against you.  It runs your information through GCIC.  It takes a few seconds and can be done right there at the gate, alleviating the need to go into the visitor center for a pass.  This system will eventually be Army wide by FY18.

1 Apr 15 - Soldier Event Participation

Question:  We need more Soldier participation at our events. 
Answer:  You need to request Soldier participation for attending your events through a FRAGO.  Specifically state how many Soldiers you will need and the units will send representation to your event.  There are conflicts sometimes due to training, but units should have folks able to support you.  You can also send out reminders (published FRAGO) to folks about your event so that they don’t forget.  If they do not show up, let the Garrison CSM know and he will look into it for you. 

1 Apr 15 - HAAF Education Center Move

Question:  Is the HAAF Education Center moving to Perimeter Road?
Answer: It is our intent to move it, but it will be going into the former bingo hall, Bldg 128 on William Barksdale Circle.  This will put it closer to the barracks and next to Tominac Fitness Center.  The current plan is to design to renovate the bldg. assuming funds are available in FY16.  If funded and contracted in FY16, the contract completion will probably not be until FY17.