Thursday, August 15, 2013

8 Aug 13 - Army Programs

Comment/Discussion: Quality of Life will be affected - 108 Army Programs are being looked at and some may possibly go away.

8 Aug 13 - DASG

Question: What is the future for DASG personnel?

Answer: DASG will go up to 34 personnel for FY14.

8 Aug 13 - Overhires

Question: How many overhires do we currently have?

Answer: As of 12 August, we have 71 overhires.

8 Aug 13 - PPP List for RIF Employees

Question: For the employees that are currently being RIF'd, when they receive their letters, are they still on the PPP list until they are dropped from the roles?

Answer: Employees in receipt of a RIF notice have a mandatory PPP registration requirement and remain in the program up to 1 year.

8 Aug 13 - FSGA/HAAF Future

Question: Where do you see FSGA/HAAF during your tenure?

Answer: My focus during my tenure will be to take care of our people and continue to provide World Class Customer Service to our force.  It will be a tough go in FY14, more so than FY15, but we are posturing ourselves for a better future.  Sequestration, a CR in FY14 will all affect our installation - my promise is to keep you informed and guide us through this period.  I am working on my Command Philosophy and an Annual Training Plan document - both will be released and briefed at the SOTG in October - we will know where we stand for the rest of FY14 at that point and I will have plotted a way ahead for us.  The bottom line is that we are going to have to tighten our  belts more and focus on taking care of each other and our customers.  We have been here before and we will tough this one out as well.  Thank you for what you do everyday.

8 Aug 13 - Furlough Exemptions

Question: Future furlough exemptions if furloughed in FY14, can we just carry over the same exemption for the fire fighters that we already have?  Can we look at requesting an exemption for the 9-1-1 Center?

Answer: If faced with furloughs again in FY14, I will re-look this decision.

31 Jul 13 - WAAF

Question: Do we get any use out of WAAF?

Answer: Yes, rotary wing aircraft use it.  Grey Eagle is housed out there, and congressional and senior Army leaders arrive/depart out of WAAF.  We currently are in the process of extending the runway to 6500 feet so that we can lure commercial carriers to the area.  A win-win for us and the surrounding communities.

31 Jul 13 - HAAF Waste Water Treatment Plant

Question: When you go to HAAF could you take time to visit the Waste Water Treatment Plant there?  Folks there are doing great things keeping it up to standard.

Answer: I visited the Waste Water Treatment Plant on 6 August following this Brown Bag comment.

31 Jul 13 - Purple Pipe

Question: Has grey water (purple pipe) helped with the water bill?

Answer: Reuse Water, or treated wastewater, which is commonly referred to as purple pipe water, from the City of Hinesville's Off-Post Water Reclamation Facility is used for irrigation of the Taylor's Creek Golf Course, for industrial uses at the FS Central Energy Plant and for vehicle/equipment washing at Bldg 1330 and Bldg 1265 washracks.  Purple pipe has also been routed to the Marne View Housing development and upon BBC's connection (Balfour Beaty is projected to connect the purple pipe line to their irrigation system at the beginning of CY14), will be the primary irrigation sourcce for that housing area.  All this said, Reuse Water has helped us achieve water conservation goals mandated by Executive Order 13514 and since 2012, we've saved approximately 192MG of potable water through Reuse Water.

31 Jul 13 - Civilian Education

Question: What is the Army's solution to training the workforce in furthering their education?

Answer: Education won't go away.  Mobile teams are in effect going to installations to teach instead of folks having to go TDY.  Don't be discouraged if you are thinking about taking the next step in furthering your education.  Continue with your packet.  We will do our best to help you get the training you need.

31 Jul 13 - FS Traffic Circle

Comment: I love the new traffic circle on Fort Stewart!

31 Jul 13 - HAAF PT Traffic

Question: Can the PT road at HAAF on 5th Street & Stephen Douglas be moved down further?  It is causing a problem with civilians trying to park for work.

Answer: CSM Mitchell and CSM Felicioni are analyzing the situation to determine the way ahead.

31 Jul 13 - Credit Hours

Question: Comp time - I don't see it coming back since it is tied to funding, but what about credit hours?  They should be authorized to the workforce.

Answer: The Collected Bargaining Agreement (CBA) has been completed and credit hours have been added to the document as a potential schedule.  Once approved by DoD, the CBA will become effective.

31 Jul 13 - FY14 TDA

Question: Could the FY14 TDA change?  How about FY15?

Answer: FY14 has already been approved.  FY15 has not yet been approved and the numbers may change.  If funding is not available, then we will work off what is required vs what is authorized.

31 Jul 13 - Loss of 2 Bde

Question: Will the civilian workforce be affected by the loss of 2 Bde?

Answer: Not much.  New battalions will be activated within the other brigades.  The total loss will be approximately 700-1000 troops.

31 Jul 13 - Furlough

Question: Could the furlough extend into next FY?

Answer: The current furlough will not be extended beyond 30 September.  However, we do not know exactly what will transpire in FY14 and we await further guidance.  Based on the known reductions across the DoD, we all must be cognizant to the fact that furloughs remain a possibility in meeting budget reductions and we should prepare ourselves to undergo these challenges again in the future.

31 Jul 13 - Furlough Days

Question: Will furloughs be dropped to 6 days?

Answer:  Effective 6 August, the Secretary of Defense reduced furloughs to 6 days.

31 Jul 13 - Furlough by Directorate

Question: By organization, would like to know what branch/section of each division are being furloughed in each org/division & who was the selecting authority (ies)?

Answer: CYSS (FMWR) / SHARP (ACS) were directed by Department of the Army to be exempted from the furlough.  I authorized the fire fighters (DES) to be exempt from the furlough due to already being below authorized strength and would not be able to respond to fires in a timely manner.  Forestry and Recycling (DPW) are also not furloughed because they are not DOD funded.  Furlough dates are management directed.  Not all workforce employees are off on Fridays.

31 Jul 13 - Appraisal Awards

Question: Wondering if GS-8 & below will be receiving appraisal awards?  I know that GS-9 & above received theirs.  I don't thnk it's ethical if we who make less money do not receive it.

Answer: GS-9-12 received awards following the end to their appraisal period (31 Oct).  All GS-8 & below along with GS-13 & above will not receive any monetary or time off awards bassed on sequestration guidance.

30 Jul 13 - Shoppette Hours

Question: What are the hours of operation for the Shoppette on Hwy 144 (4 IBCT area)?

Answer: The operating hours at 4 IBCT Express are Mon-Fri (0600-1900), Sat-Sun (1100-1900), and holidays/training holidays (1000-1700).  Fuel pumps are operational 42/7.

30 Jul 13 - Early Morning Traffic Onto Post

Question: Gate 5 in the morning from approx 0630-0800 only has one lane open.  Need to open both lanes so traffic doesn't get backed up.

Answer: Both lanes at Gate 5 are to be opened during the specified time frame.  The Chief of Guards has been notified to reiterate operating hours throughout all gates.

30 Jul 13 - Recognition

Question: Is it possible to do a spotlight once a quarter to recognize either an individual, team or directorate for going above and beyond?

Answer: Each month ICE Heroes are recognized at the FRG/CLIF and quarterly the Garrison Commander's Award of Excellence Program offers recognition for outstanding performance.

30 Jul 13 - Garrison Bowling Event

Question: Can we organize a Garrison Bowling Event, similar to the Scramble, for those who don't golf?

Answer: A survey of the workforce will be forthcoming to determine interest in bowling.

30 Jul 13 - PX Dress Code

Question: Can the PX dress code be re-looked to prohibit pajamas?

Answer: The dress code exists to ensure standards exist in our facilities.  Pajamas will be included in the revised policy letter.