Friday, February 28, 2014

13 Jan 14 - GS8 Awards

Question:  What about the GS8 awards?  Have they been released yet?

Answer:  IMCOM has issued guidance to your managers that allowed for FY13 awards to be processed but this window has now closed.  In FY14, all performance awards, on-the-spot and special act awards are limited to 1% of our entire payroll and each Director will monitor this cap to ensure compliance.  Time off awards are not included in this cap nor are QSIs, however QSIs cannot exceed our  FY10 levels and this too is being monitored by each Director.

13 Jan 14 - Civilian Education Programs

Question:  What education programs can we look into for civilians to better improve ourselves?

Answer:  I would recommend you go to Career Tracker / CPOL site.  You can also consult your training coordinator or Ms. Beverly Fordham, Chief of Workforce Development.

13 Jan 14 - Priority to Fill Positions

Question:  What is the priority to fill positions?

Answer:  As soon as our Directorates indicate an authorized vacancy through the PMB, we move forward in hiring the position by obtaining IMCOM approval and announcing through USA Jobs.  CPAC will identify PPP candidates while the job will also get time on IMCOM’s IEPP website for interested IMCOM candidates.  We have been successful in obtaining hiring approval, but understanding that the process does take up to 30 days for approval before an announcement can be generated.

13 Jan 14 - Hiring Freeze

Question:  Has the hiring freeze been lifted?

Answer:  Yes the hiring restrictions have somewhat been lifted.  We still must obtain approval from IMCOM HQ prior to hiring and positions must meet our FY15 TDA.

13 Jan 14 -

Question:  Is the Civilian Fitness Program still being conducted?

Answer:  It actually starts today, 13 Jan 14 at 1400 at Newman Fitness Center.  Beverly Fordham is the POC and can be contacted to schedule the next program.

13 Jan 14 - Motorcycle Training Area / Widening of Frank Cochran (Veterans Parkway)

Question:  Regarding the widening of Frank Cochran.  The motorcycle area will go away and the motor pool area does not have restrooms, paving needs upgrading, etc..

Answer:  This subject has been discussed and arrangement will be made for port-a-potties to be located at the course until proper facilities can be built. DPW has the drawings completed to paint the range and this will be accomplished prior to widening of Frank Cochran.  The overhead cover at building 162 can be relocated to the motor pool for use by the students. Water and ice will be available at building 162 and will be available for each course.

13 Jan 14 - Chapel Services

Question:  Chapel Services (Financial Peace University).  What kind of support will we be able to get from USAG/ Division?

Answer:  RSO has a budget.  We need to know what else you need that the budget doesn’t cover.  Make sure that you have FY15 support needs ready so that we may be able to support you.  CH Hensley will ensure we capture the requirements to execute a successful program within resource constraints.

13 Jan 14 - Dirt Bike Rider Course

Question:  Division would like a Dirt Bike Rider Course.  Who will run it?  Who will monitor the course?  Where will it be located?  What environmental impact will it have on the installation?

Answer:  Command Policy letter# 6 “The operation of Dirt Bikes is prohibited on FS/HAAF”. At the present, we do not have any trained MSF instructors that can teach a dirt bike course and the current contract does not have any provisions for them to do so.  Current Army regulations recommend that personnel who operate privately owned ATVs or MCs off road should complete appropriate operator safety training, which would be done at their own expense.

13 Jan 14 - Vacation Bible School Assistance

Question:  Can we get FORSCOM assistance for Vacation Bible School transportation?  How much will they help?

Answer:  Please consult CH Hensley for assistance.  I am sure the CG will support the program.  You won’t know if you don’t ask.

13 Jan 14 - Religious Programs Offered

Question:  We are not seeing a reduction at HAAF.  More families are coming to church activities, but we don’t have enough people to provide the service.

Answer:  Higher HQs doesn’t take into account the 40-50 miles between HAAF and FSGA.  They don’t understand that we can’t cover one service between two installations (ie: Church Services, Vacation Bible School).  We can at least say something to fight for positions.  Many programs are already at minimal service, and if we cut any more, we may have to cancel programs.

13 Jan 14 - Becoming a Peacekeeping Force

Question:  Are we becoming a Peacekeeping Force?

Answer:  No, we are remaining a Fighting Force.  We are restructuring so that we will have two Divisions worth of combat power to deploy at any time.  Units are downsizing and 1st and 2nd Brigades will conduct an NTC rotation over the next two years (no deployments).

13 Jan 14 - Chaplain Positions

Question:  Are we losing any Chaplain slots?

Answer:  The FY14 TDA has 6 officers and 8 enlisted as well as the FY15 TDA.  Beyond that is not finalized.

13 Jan 14 - Civilian Workforce Reduction

Question: Is there any more information on civilian workforce reduction?

Answer:  IMCOM will have a projected 8.2% cut in DOD DA Civilian workforce between FY16-20.  The military are dropping that much as well, if not more. We have to fight for positions on the MDEP Re-balancing Drills to reclama any additional cuts.