Wednesday, November 19, 2014

27 Oct 14 - Marne Chapel Renovations

Question:  RSO:  Renovations.  Marne Chapel has been on the list for renovations (HVAC).  Are there any funds available to renovate Marne Chapel soon? 

Answer:  We do not have an IJO in the system from the customer to replace the HVAC.  DPW is however, about to re-roof the building.  I recommend that someone from RSO submit an IJO with description of the problem and DPW will proceed from there.

27 Oct 14 - TDA

Question:  TDA.  Are the personnel numbers going down?

Answer:  FY15 numbers are already on the table.  Nothing will happen until after the election.  If sequestration is not cancelled, it will get ugly and we will have to reduce an additional 13% in civilian jobs.  Our civilian authorizations in 2014 were 929, in 2015 it will be 855, and by FY17 it could drop to 775 DA Civilians.  We may have to start closing services.  


27 Oct 14 - ACOE Results

Question:  Have we heard on the ACOE results yet?

Answer:  We received a virtual site visit last month and that went very well.  Results from ACOE will not come out until Jan-Feb 2015.

27 Oct 14 - Civilian Fitness Program

Question:  RSO: Civilian Fitness Program.  Can we start a self-monitored civilian fitness program?  Many of us have alternate work schedules and cannot participate in the current program. 

Answer:  In order to gain the full understanding of your work schedules, please consult Ms. Beverly Fordham (Installation Workforce Training Coordinator).  Ms. Fordham may be able to work with the program’s creator to develop a specific program for those employees on an alternate schedule.  Some portions are required to be monitored but periods of self-monitoring may be available, with the notification of your supervisor.

27 Oct 14 - Motorcycle Rodeo

Question:  ISO: Upcoming Motorcycle Rodeo.  How do we get folks on post to attend?

Answer:  Send an email to your vendors/customers and inform them of our procedure.  Ensure that they pre-plan and arrive approximately 30 minutes prior to get on post.  They may have to go to the Visitor Control Center (VCC) to get a pass.  Also inform DES of your event so that they are aware of additional people entering the installation.

27 Oct 14 - Background Checks

Question:  RSO.  Background checks.  Issues with getting local background checks and fingerprinting.  DES Officer is always unavailable.

Answer:  Starting 18 Dec 14 background checks and fingerprinting can be conducted with Officer Larry Joe on Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 0900-1130.  Training will always take precedence, so please call to verify availability with Officer Joe before sending folks over.

27 Oct 14 - SJA Staffing - Radiation Software

Question:  ISO: Radiation Software Program staffing action is still at SJA.  It has been several months, how can we get these documents?

Answer:  SJA is very overwhelmed and understaffed.  They are doing their best.  Please send the USAG-FS XO a request with specifics on what you are looking for and he will track it down. 


27 Oct 14 - Trailer for Motorcycle Course

Question: ISO: With the extension of Veterans Parkway, ISO will lose the motorcycle lot.  Can we add a trailer to the new lot for training?

Answer:  Yes. Please get with the DPW Master Planning Office and tell them your requirement.  They should be able to assist you.  Also please discuss this with Mr. Brouillette and make it a point of discussion at the USAG Staff Meeting.

27 Oct 14 - Mandatory Training

Question:  Mandatory Training:  Can we conduct one of the mandatory training classes during the SOTG?

Answer:  That is not the intent of the SOTG. In the FY15 Annual Training Guidance, directorates are provided guidance on dividing training throughout the year to alleviate a mass push at the end of the year.  Training Stand Down days are encouraged throughout the year in each directorate.  Training Holidays and other periods of down time make ideal times to complete mandatory training.  Please consult your directorate’s Training Coordinator for proper assistance.

27 Oct 14 - IMCOM related taskings

Question:  IMCOM related taskings: It is very hard for the small directorates to complete (ARIMS, MICP, IMO, QMB, ISR, etc).  It would be great if we could designate one person to do these tasks for the small directorates.

Answer:  There might be some efficiencies to be had there.  I think that everyone has the same issue though.  Everyone is downsizing, but not the tasks and unfortunately it will get worse. We will have to discuss this across the directorates.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

22 Oct 14 - RIF

Question:  Will there be another RIF? 

Answer:  I do not want to RIF anyone.  CPAC will send interest letters to employees in over-hire series not later than 31 Oct 14.  Those employees who are offered VERA/VSIP will need to be off the roles by 31 Mar 15. Normal attrition and VERA/VSIP are the main ways to voluntarily reduce the workforce.  If the budget is not fixed next year and sequestration kicks in, in FY16 then we may drop to 775 civilians by FY17.   We currently have over 100 over-hires and approx. 138 vacancies.  Grade and series mis-matches are the reason for so many over-hires.  When the TDA changes from up above, it takes time to re-shape the workforce.

22 Oct 14 - On-Boarding Process

Question:  On-boarding process?

Answer:  Onboarding is currently being discussed in one of our Quality Management Boards in order to make it effective across the installation.  DHR is the lead and will continue to work on the process to ensure it fully achieves desired objectives.  Stay tuned for more information in the upcoming months.

22 Oct 14 - 59 Minute Policy

Question:  What is the 59 minute policy?

Answer:  Myself, the Garrison CSM and your Director are the only ones who can approve 59 minutes.  Do not assume that 59 minutes will be given out on all training holidays.  This is a privilege, not a right.  Upon the discretion of your Director, they can approve 59 minutes so long as it does not affect your mission.

Vote on 4 Nov.  Follow the guidelines offered by the CPAC and your supervisor.

22 Oct 14 - Alternative Work Schedules

Question:  Alternative work schedules?  Telework?

Answer:  Alternate work schedules must be approved by your supervisors.  The flexible work schedule will be replacing RDO’s.  You can earn a total of 24 credit hours.  You must work within the core hours of 0900-1500. 

Telework requires justification up through management.  The issue with telework is that it could place your job in jeopardy.  IMCOM is looking at centralizing positions “hub-and-spoke” concept for positions that do not have daily interaction with customers.

IMCOM is taking the hardest hit throughout the Army.  Fort Stewart has already been cut 31%, and will be at 50% by FY17.  We are at the point right now to decide what services do we close and what will we be accountable for? 

22 Oct 14 - Contractors attending Supervisor Meetings

Question:  Why is it okay for contract workers to be in all of the supervisor’s meetings and know everything before we do?  Nothing is done without her input.

Answer:  Our contractors are a vital part of our workforce.  Many times we are intermingled and one cannot distinguish the category.  Our contractors are a vital part of our team and abide by the scope of work they are hired to perform. In the event information is inherently governmental in nature, contractors are excused from discussion/etc.

22 Oct 14 - Fairness in the Workplace

Question:  Fairness in the work place!  Why is it okay for one person to, let’s say, take a longer lunch and others have to put in leave?  Why or how do you go about asking for something you deserve?

Answer:  Fairness should be an expectation.  Be accountable for your timecard.  If you believe that there is timecard fraud, file a grievance with EEO.  We are not afraid to do an investigation. 

22 Oct 14 - Filling Vacancies

Question:  Most selections are pre-selected but go through the process as if they aren’t.  Targeted for certain people.

Answer:  That is not the intent.   If we open positions up competitively, we open it up IMCOM-wide.  Every position we open, we try to hire within the installation.  We have a fair and equitable system.  If you see something blatantly wrong, let me know and we will look into it through the EEO grievance process. 

I encourage you to look at the Annual Training Guidance (ATG) and the Annex for your directorate to see what training you can take to better improve yourself.  What are your aspirations?  What is your 3-5 year plan?  Take advantage of the cross training that is mentioned in the ATG.  Discuss these things with your supervisor during your counseling sessions.