Friday, December 19, 2014

16 Dec 14 - Real Property Vision Plan Charrette

Question:  Back in the summer we had a Real Property Vision Plan Charrette, what is happening with the results from that?

Answer:  It will be a part of the future of the installation.  Wherever we build, we will look at that to see where we can improve the future look of the installation; i.e.: landscaping, parking, multi-use facilities, etc.  Hinesville just went through the same concept recently as well.

16 Dec 14 - New Buildings

Question 6a:  Any new buildings coming available?

Answer 6a:  No.  MILCON is at zero all because of sequestration.

Question 6b:  What about the building by Jordan Gym?

Answer 6b:  That is a behavioral health building.  The contractor defaulted and owed $20 Million, so the sub-contractors stopped working for him because they weren’t getting paid. 

16 Dec 14 - Civilians shopping at Commissary/PX

Question:  Can civilians shop at the commissary and PX?

Answer:  AFAP is working on it.  Currently civilians can purchase FOOD ONLY and are able to use their Government Purchase Cards for supplies at the PX.

16 Dec 14 - Newcomer's Fair

Question:  Is the Newcomer’s Fair starting every two weeks now?

Answer:  Yes, it will now be a part of in-processing.  There should be approx 200-300 Soldiers at each fair starting 6 Jan 15.

16 Dec 14 - Sequestration

Question:  Sequestration – when is the deadline for that?

Answer: FY16.  We have 4-5 years to give back $95 Billion.  The Army’s piece of that is approx $25-$30 Billion.

16 Dec 14 - Is Fort Stewart Going Away?

Question:  Rumor in town that Fort Stewart is one of three installations that is going away. 

Answer:  I haven’t heard anything.  Not sure where that information came from.  The listening sessions aren’t even completed yet.  The majority of them will occur in Jan & Feb.  the reason we conducted ours early was because the CG was deploying.  We had a great turnout with standing room only.  With the Army’s perspective, it is who makes the most noise congressionally.


16 Dec 14 - President announced 26 Dec as Fed Holiday

Question:  How are we handling 26 Dec?

Answer:  The President signed a proclamation that it is a Federal Holiday.  For MWR staff, what happens on the 25th is the same on the 26th.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

8 Dec 14 - Townhall / Listening Sesssion - Hinesville

Question:  How was the feedback from the Townhall/Community Listening Session in Hinesville?

Answer:  LTG Cloutier, Pentagon Force Mod, stated that it was successful and was surprised by the turnout.  We have a supportive community around the base as well and we had several installations inquiring on how it went.  We were the first installation to conduct the listening session due to the CG deploying.

They are tracking how many comments are coming in and asking themselves, where can I take a Division from and not have a big political conflict/issue with it?  With that said, if the Dept of the Army goes by the MVA, FS/HAAF is in the top 6.  I think it was very important to have the community there.  The tracking slide will be briefed to Congress.  Divisions can relocate and from the green-suiter side there is no major affect. 


8 Dec 14 - 26 Dec - Federal Holiday

GC Comment:  The President has put out that 26 Dec 16 will be a Federal Holiday.

8 Dec 14 - Civ fitness / President's Challenge / Army Wellness Center

Question:  GCSM:  How do you all feel about the Civilian Fitness Program, President’s Challenge, and Army Wellness Center?

Answer:  Heard that you can only sign up for Civilian Fitness one time. 
GC:  I had answered yes  but unfortunately that was incorrect.  Civilian employees can only sign up once for the program.  We did a pilot with IMCOM but there was no change to the regulation.  The next class will start in May 2015.

Answer:  President’s challenge – people don’t remember to log in and update their data.

Answer:  GC/HGC:  I encourage you to check out the wellness center at FS.  It gives you a total body analysis.  Fitness is only one piece of it.  There are plenty of free services that you can apply to your lifestyle.  Family members over the age of 17 can also use these services: nutrition / stress / sleep study / fitness / bod pod / etc.  Safety incidents have dropped in the last 2-3 years. 

The FEI/Fit for Life program that we conducted helped a lot of people.  Some people changed their diets, and some had to go to the hospital to get further observations due to high cholesterol, heart attacks, diabetes, and high blood pressure.  Without attending the class, they were not aware of how bad their situations were.

So there are a lot of great programs out there for you to take advantage of.

8 Dec 14 - Decals and AIE

Question:  What is the deal with the decals and AIE?

Answer:  The decals are gone, due to both OPSEC and cost.  The new SC said that we could get rid of them. 

AIE is going well.  The new visitor control center (VCC) is fully operational at FS and has just opened here at HAAF.  They provide background checks, screen folks and hand out passes.  We have found several felons in this process.  Contractors must be screened through the ACO which is located in Bldg 1286, 2nd floor and receive passes.

8 Dec 14 - HAAF CDC Family Feast

Question:  The CDCs hosted a “Family Feast” for parents and it went very well.  Mr Tafoya and CSM Mitchell attended.  Would be nice if they came and visited Bldg 148.

Answer:  HGC:  Yes.  I will have them stop by soon to see you all.  

8 Dec 14 - Number of DA Civilians

Question:  When will we know if we are going to lose or gain people?

Answer:  We don’t know yet.  It is dependent on sequestration and the budget.  We will continue to fund the way we are now.  We may not see a difference until next year.

8 Dec 14 - BBA to CYSS Staff

Question:  CYSS lost eight co-workers due to Business Based Actions (BBA) this past year.  Will we be hit again?

Answer:  No.  We BBA’d 36 people last year.  We don’t foresee any BBA’s unless occupancy stays low and we have to close some centers and combine the children.

8 Dec 14 - Fuel for HAAF GSA's

Question:  there is an issue with getting fuel at HAAF for GSAs.  There is an attendant who only pumps diesel for one hour, twice a week.  I do not have a key for the fire truck and so this is an issue.

Answer: HGC: There is a diesel point by Tominac Fitness Center and traffic circle as well as a fuel island on the tarmac at the airfield.  You can contact Rick Mansford to see about fueling at the airfield.  You all should have access to that.


8 Dec 14 - HAAF CYSS Parking Lot

Question: CYSS (Bldg 148).  The parking lot is a concern.  Parents/Soldiers are entering from the wrong direction.  There is also no lighting in the parking lot.

Answer:  HGC: I will have Mr. Tafoya and CSM Mitchell look around all of the CDCs and other locations on post to see who else has these problems with no lighting.  We will get with DES and look into what we can do to remedy the issue.  We will need to look into how to budget for lights to be installed.

Monday, December 8, 2014

3 Dec 14 - Army Wellness Center

GC Comment:  (Army Wellness Center):  I recommend that you check out the Army Wellness Center.  Fitness is only one piece of it.  There are plenty of free services that you can apply to your lifestyle.  Family members over the age of 17 can also use these services: nutrition / stress / sleep study / fitness / bod pod / etc.  Safety incidents have dropped in the last 2-3 years. 

The FEI/Fit for Life program that we conducted helped a lot of people.  Some people changed their diets, some had to go to the hospital to get further observations due to high cholesterol, heart attacks, diabetes, and high blood pressure.  Without attending the class, they were not aware of how bad their situations were.

So there are a lot of great programs out there for you to take advantage of.

3 Dec 14 - Mentorship Ride

Question:  Is the mentorship ride on 19 Dec open to civilians?

Answer:  Yes.  The USAG Mentorship Motorcycle Ride and is open to the public.  We will be riding to Pooler and stopping for lunch.  

3 Dec 14 - Is Community Support important with changes coming

Question:  Regarding the Townhall, if the Army is making structural changes, how much of that really comes into play whether or not the Mayor is rooting for us?

Answer:  They are tracking how many comments are coming in and asking themselves, where can I take a Division from and not have a big political conflict/issue with it?  With that said, if the Dept of the Army goes by the MVA, FS/HAAF is in the top 6.  I think it was very important to have the community there.  The tracking slide will be briefed to Congress.  Divisions can relocate and from the green-suiter side there is no major affect.  Georgia has 11 military bases in it.  If sequestration continues we will have to look a conducting a BRAC.

3 Dec 14 - Could we rebound if Sequestration ends

Question:  Could the Army rebound back up to 500,000’s if sequestration ends?

Answer: According to the National Security Strategy, there is no way that we can afford to.  There is a possible government shutdown looming in the next seven days.

3 Dec 14 - Force Structure Changes

Question:  Are there any force structure changes?

Answer:  There will be one announcement coming out.  We are currently in a non-sequestration window, and by FY20 we may have to cut another 20% of the budget and cut the military down from 490k to 420k. 

3 Dec 14 - Feedback from Community Listening Session

Question:  How was the feedback from the Townhall/Community Listening Session in Hinesville?

Answer:  LTG Cloutier, Pentagon Force Mod, stated that it was successful and was surprised by the turnout.  We have a supportive community around the base as well and we had several installations inquiring on how it went.  We were the first installation to conduct the listening session due to the CG deploying.

2 Dec 14 - Mandatory Training

Question:  Mandatory Training.  Why do we need to conduct classes like Constitution Day and Human Trafficking, and Government Credit Card every year? 

Answer:  It is better to have the knowledge than not.  Even if the topic doesn’t pertain to you directly, the information that you learn can help you help others and keep others from veering off on a wrong path.  Some of the sites are difficult to navigate through and the SHARP course software was created for the calendar year instead of fiscal year.  So we will move that course to 2nd or 3rd quarter in the next ATG OPRD.   If you are not able to complete a course listed in the corresponding quarter, move onto another course and come back to the one you didn’t complete at a later time.


2 Dec 14 - Additional Trainig

Question: At the last SOTG, it was stated that x number of dollars was spent for education.  Instead of doing FEI, why not have classes on effective writing?  The effective writing classes online (ALMS) is not good.

Answer:  Talk to your supervisor and the DHR/WFD staff.  If we can get enough people interested in these kinds of classes then we can possibly bring someone here to teach a class.  Budget it, get it into the next training plan.

2 Dec 14 - Over-hires

Question: According to the TDA, our over-hires have increased.  How is this possible?

Answer:  We must meet the mission the best way possible.  Yes we have over 100 over-hires.  We are looking across the board at MDEP cuts and submitting our over-hire requests to LTG Halverson.  LTG Halverson understands our critical positions and is approving our over-hires. 

2 Dec 14 - People Getting "Pre-Selected" for positions

Question: Even with the right training we get passed over with someone who they want to have it (pre-selected).

Answer:  This new system is supposed to minimize the “good old boy” system.  We have gotten better over the years.  EEO is your advocate as well.  The GC/DGC and I will not tolerate unfair employment practices.  Fair and equitable practices must be followed to ensure healthy work environments. If you feel they are not, submit your issues through leadership/hiring chain, and if that isn’t sufficient submit your issue to EEO and they will investigate it, even if it’s just fact finding. You can always challenge the process.  Certain grades have hiring panels and you have the right to ask who the panel consisted of for clarifying who you need to address the process with.  Just because you are at the top of the points list doesn’t mean that you should get the job.  Hiring is more than just the qualifications and training, it’s the interview process, your personality, are you a team player, self improvement, etc.

2 Dec 14 - Counseling / IDPs / ATG

Question:  Counseling/IDPs/ATG

Answer:  We are looking at 30% in cutbacks.  So who do we cut?  Who do we look at?  Ensure that you are receiving your counseling’s and take online training.  You can create your IDP in Army Career Tracker (ACT).  It will guide you and show you what courses to take to move to the next level.  I have a problem with folks not conducting counselings.  The GC and I are advocates for you. If you have a problem, please send us an email, ensure that you provide specific details so that we can better investigate the issue or have the right agency to look into it.

2 Dec 14 - Feedback from Community Listening Session

Question:  Feedback from the Community Listening Session in Hinesville

Answer:  There were over 700 people in attendance and it was standing room only.  We gave a good feel to the Dept of the Army of our concerns.  Mayors, State Reps, State NG, Superintendants, folks from Savannah to Brunswick and many more attended.  There were six day sessions in all discussing our economic impact of the military/DA Civilian downsizing.  Topics covered education, business, economic alignment, veterans and health care. 

20% of teachers/counselors in four school districts are dependents of Soldiers.  If sequestration continues it will empty schools.  There could also be a 30% decrease in home values.

GCSM: So the downsizing is not only affecting us but the community as well. 

2 Dec 14 - Civilian PT

Question:  Civilian PT.

Answer:  Several civilians have expressed their interest in the program but are unable to join due to scheduling.  We need to get folks who are interested to voice their interest in allowing a more flexible program where they can exercise at a time more suitable for them (possibly with a buddy-system), approved by their supervisor.  Fort Stewart’s Civilian Fitness Program is more structured unlike other installations.  We are waiting on IMCOM guidance to allow a more flexible program.

2 Dec 14 - Temperature in Bldg 623

Question:  Building temperature control:  Difficult to work in high and low temperatures.  Each bldg will have its own issues.  Can we assign a bldg control individual that can monitor extreme temperatures and adjust to provide a better work environment?

Answer:  Bldg 623 is hooked into the old boiler system.  At a certain time of the year the thermostat turns from AC to heat and doesn’t change back until the Spring.  If no one in the bldg is able to adjust the thermostat, you may need to call in a work order with DPW to see what they can do.

20 Nov 14 - ISR

Question:  ISR items need to change to quarterly measures.  There is no sense in managing a QMB if you can’t evaluate your measures quarterly.

Answer:  ISR-S Performance is conducted quarterly however, there are annual metrics.  ACSIM has recognized this issue and has opened the data field in ISR for those annual measures to be answered on a quarterly basis with the most current data.  This is optional for directorates and has been put out for the past two years of data collection.   Your directorate ISR POCs have this information.   QMBs have recognized that there are annual measures and update them quarterly in their analysis.  

20 Nov 14 - OMNI

Question: GC Comment: OMNI. 

Answer:  The OMNI is going away and is being replaced with Decision Lens software.  Decision Lens software provides the most streamlined, efficient and transparent method for prioritization of strategic requirements in order to achieve optimal return on investment for organizational success. Decision makers will now have the ability to visualize pair-wise comparisons and make judgments as to their relative importance.  The software also conducts sensitivity analysis which allows decision makers to test the impact of changing priorities on alternative business decision choices.  Voting members shall consist of pre-designated Quality Management Board personnel, along with members from 3rd ID and other installation organizations (ie: MEDDAC, DENTAC, NEC, LRC) prior to going before the SC for approval.

20 Nov 14 - Integrated Priority List (IPL)

Question:  FY14 Integrated Priority List (IPL).  I cannot explain to Division how the final priorities came about.

Answer:  We looked at the OMNI score, the QMB priority, and then the SC priorities.  As you know the OMNI process has always been based on the Multi-attribute utility theory and the initial step in the project (strategic requirements) ranking process.  As a result of changes to our last version (v.4) of QMB Lines of Effort to align with the IMCOM2020 Campaign Plan, our process inevitably became fragmented in how projects/requirements were identified and brought before me for approval.  This also had a direct impact on our OMNI process. Therefore, PAIO was directed to provide me and the DGC several Integrated Prioritization List (IPL) courses of action (COAs) to choose from.  There were a total of five (5) courses of action provided and I made a decision and subsequently provided to the SC for final review/approval following the IPB.  I believe the current reset/restructure of our QMBs, along with utilizing Decision Lens software to identify what our priorities will be for our short, mid and long term, will put us all back on track in developing and prioritizing critical requirements in achieving our end-state of being “The Premier Force Projection Platform and Joint Training Installation on the Continental United States East Coast.”

20 Nov 14 - Mandatory Training

Question:  Mandatory Training is very frustrating.

Answer:  I agree that some of the sites are difficult to navigate through.  Whoever created the SHARP course software, created it with the calendar year instead of fiscal year that we all follow.  So we will have to move that course to 2nd or 3rd quarter in the next ATG OPRD.   If you add up all the time it takes to complete all “external training” (MICP, mandatory training, ASSIST, SMS, ISR, etc), it will consume over 22% of our time.  We all need to do a better job at prioritizing.  We must continue to perform the mission while providing quality service. 


20 Nov 14 - Contracting Process

Question:  Contracting process is so slow and we are having more requirements put on us that are not part of our normal duties.

Answer:  We are getting a contracting Battalion in 2016 to provide more contracting power experience.  

20 Nov 14 - Cutting Programs / Annual Inspections

Question:  Cutting Programs:  Range Control has too many Annual Inspections and some that are just not necessary to complete annually.  With less personnel and more requirements, what do we do?

Answer:  Dept of the Army is forcing data.  It is the same conversation we give to Atlantic Region to IMCOM to DA.  Do the ones that you think are important (RAC 1).

20 Nov 14 - Sequestration

Question:  Will there be sequestration or furlough again?

Answer:  We don’t know yet.

20 Nov 14 - VERA / VSIP positions

Question:  VERA/VSIP:  Can we move over-hires into these slots?

Answer:  No we cannot move people into these positions because once someone is approved for VERA/VSIP, their position is abolished and we cannot hire behind it.  We are working on requests to IMCOM to allow us to use RIF rules without conducting a RIF.  That way, we can move over-hires into authorized positions and waive normal qualifications.

20 Nov 14 - Over-hires

Question: Do we still have a lot of over-hires?

Answer:  Yes we have over 100 over-hires.  We are looking across the board at MDEP cuts and submitting our over-hire requests to LTG Halverson.  LTG Halverson understands our critical positions and is approving our over-hires. 

20 Nov 14 - Feedback from Community Listening Session

Question:  How was the feedback from the Community Listening Session in Hinesville?

Answer:  There were over 700 people in attendance and it was standing room only.  We gave a good feel to the Dept of the Army of our concerns.  Mayors, State Reps, State NG, Superintendants, folks from Savannah to Brunswick and many more attended.  There were six day sessions in all discussing our economic impact of the military/DA Civilian downsizing.  Topics covered education, business, economic alignment, veterans and health care. 

We won’t hear of any decisions until at least next Spring.  If the Dept of the Army goes by the MVA, we are the top six in all categories out of 35 installations.  We are the 6th largest installation in the Army. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

18 Nov 14 - Flex Time

GC Comment (Flex time):  Are you all aware of flex time and how it works?  It replaces the RDO’s that end on 31 Dec.  People can earn credit hours that they can use towards doctors appt, meetings, etc.  You can earn a total of 24 credit hours and you must work within the core hours of 0900-1500. 

18 Nov 14 - Army Family Covenant

GC Comment (Army Family Covenant):  The AFC ends on 31 Dec 14 and those benefits that go along with the program could also go away.  We at the Garrison-level will have to decide on what programs/services we can continue or have to stop.  More services/programs are going to be cost-based.

18 Nov 14 - Funding

GC Comment (Funding):  IMCOM is telling us what positions are being cut.  LTG Halverson is trying to control it and prioritize the MDEP rebalance.  SRM dollars have been cut 23%, there has been a cut of 10-12% of funding across the board.  Energy costs are going up, so make sure you start turning off your lights.  Good news: we did receive year-end dollars and was able to complete all 77 items on our unfinanced requirements (UFR) list.

18 Nov 14 - Cross Training

GC Comment (Cross Training):  I am asking directors for cross training opportunities with their workforce to a different career field.  Several have/are participating in it.  We have had PAO cross train to PAIO, PAO cross train to MEDDAC, DRM cross train to PAIO, etc.  If you have folks that are interested in learning a new career field, this would be a great opportunity for them and to see what other directorates do and their workloads

18 Nov 14 - Mentoring Program

GC Comment (Mentoring Program):  We are currently proving a Female Mentorship Program and we have 21 mentors and 23 mentees participating in the program.  It will run through next summer and we plan to do it again next year.  It is a great program.

18 Nov 14 - ACT/IDP

GC Comment (ACT/IDP):  Have you all been performing your counseling sessions with your staff?  Have you seen and read the FY15 ATG OPORD and counseling checklist?  You can now go on the Army Career Tracker (ACT) and create and update your IDPs.  I believe that this is where we are migrating to.  You can validate your employee’s data/training, verify IDPs, look at career fields and discuss/mentor your staff on their 3-5 year plans.

We are looking at losing over 100 positions if sequestration doesn’t end.  Everyone needs to have competitive resumes.  The more you can prepare your subordinates the better.

18 Nov 14 - HAAF Gate Entry for Students

Question: Gate Entry.  Education Center is having complaints with gate access from students.

Answer:  Students can go to DES/GCIC, show them their transcripts and once vetted, can receive a pass for the semester.  The sponsor can be the education center which verifies that the person is in fact a student.

This may be an additional process with the background check, but it also provides the student with peace of mind that their vehicle and personal belongings will be safe while they are in school. 

18 Nov 14 - Community Meeting in Hinesville

Question:  Was there a good turnout at the Community Meeting in Hinesville last night?

Answer:  Yes approx 700-800 people attended and it was standing room only.  We gave a good feel to the Dept of the Army of our concerns.  Mayors, State Reps, State NG, Superintendants, folks from Savannah to Brunswick and many more attended.  There were six day sessions in all discussing our economic impact of the military/DA Civilian downsizing. 

20% of teachers/counselors in four school districts are dependents of Soldiers.  If sequestration continues it will empty schools.  There could also be a 30% decrease in home values.

18 Nov 14 - Civilian PT

Question:  Civilian PT.  Allow participants to continue more than once by exception.

Answer:  Yes we are working on it.  We are trying to get IMCOM to allow people to attend as many times as they want.  I am in support of it. 

6 Nov 14 - Army Wellness Center

GC Comment:  Take advantage of the Army Wellness Center.  There are plenty of free services that you can apply to your lifestyle.  Family members over the age of 17 can also use these services: nutrition / stress / sleep study / fitness / bod pod / etc..

6 Nov 14 - Workforce Development

GC Comment:  My focus is on workforce development.  Now is the time to improve yourselves if you want to make civil service a career.  It is getting more and more competitive. 

6 Nov 14 - No Child Care at the Gym

Question:  Complaints about no child care at the Gym.

Answer:  This goes back to cutting services.  Having child care at the gym takes staff away from the CDCs.  Costs will be higher at the gym.  Child care is available at the CDC.  Patrons will have to take their child to the CDC and pick them up after their workout.

6 Nov 14 - Retirees at Gym in AM

Question:  Retirees working out in the gym during PT hours.

Answer:  I understand that some retirees also work on post and want to work out before going to work.  However, Active Duty Soldiers come first.  If Soldiers cannot conduct PT, Retirees and DA Civilians shouldn’t be there.

6 Nov 14 - Commissary & PX

Question:  Are the commissary and PX going away?

Answer:  No.  Their strategic process is different from the Army’s.  They have a good business model.  The commissary is subsidized and that is why they can offer lower prices to consumers.

6 Nov 14 - Rio Entry Point

Question:  Will there be a new Rio entry point in the near future? 

Answer:  Not in the near future.  There is not enough money to pay for it.  LTG Halverson has requested all garrisons inform him of our ACP requirements and will slowly work through it.

6 Nov 14 - HAAF Bldg 1284P

Question:  The latch on the gate at the HAAF Bldg 1284P needs fixing.  When we put in a work order with DPW they asked us if we were going to pay for it.

Answer:  Send me information on it and we will pay for it.

6 Nov 14 - Playground at the FS SKIES Bldg

Question:  There are parents and kids playing on the playground at the SKIES building at FS.  This is such a liability since it is not being maintained.  Can we have it torn down or re-purposed?

Answer:  I am looking into this and will get you an answer.

6 Nov 14 - Cutting Down Trees

Question:  Can trees around the playgrounds be cut down?

Answer:  Yes they can be cut/trimmed if they are questionable and cause a safety issue.  Send CSM Lewis a picture with the location and he will look into it.   

6 Nov 14 - FS ASAP Bldg

Question: The FS ASAP building is fairly new.  There is a lot of wear & tear from moving furniture and the walls are a mess.  What is the solution for us to get it up to par?

Answer:  Submit an IJO with DPW.  All buildings should be kept up.  Whoever is in charge of the building is not doing their job.  Anything less than $2,000 is too easy to fix, especially if it deals with life/health/safety.  We can find furniture.  Someone is always getting rid of stuff.  Let me know if you need our help and CSM and I will come out to see the building.

6 Nov 14 - Deactivation of Units

Question:  Is there a CAV unit de-activating?

Answer:  No.  The only unit de-activating is 2d Brigade, and they are shifting to 4th Brigade.

6 Nov 14 - HAAF ACS

Question:  There is a rumor that HAAF ACS is shutting down and moving to FS.

Answer:  I use that as a threat with the VCSA.  We are down to bare bones however.  If we reduce our numbers anymore, we will be forced to close services.  We may split days of service between FS and HAAF.  We will try to mitigate this as much as possible.  It is not my intent to RIF anyone. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

27 Oct 14 - Marne Chapel Renovations

Question:  RSO:  Renovations.  Marne Chapel has been on the list for renovations (HVAC).  Are there any funds available to renovate Marne Chapel soon? 

Answer:  We do not have an IJO in the system from the customer to replace the HVAC.  DPW is however, about to re-roof the building.  I recommend that someone from RSO submit an IJO with description of the problem and DPW will proceed from there.

27 Oct 14 - TDA

Question:  TDA.  Are the personnel numbers going down?

Answer:  FY15 numbers are already on the table.  Nothing will happen until after the election.  If sequestration is not cancelled, it will get ugly and we will have to reduce an additional 13% in civilian jobs.  Our civilian authorizations in 2014 were 929, in 2015 it will be 855, and by FY17 it could drop to 775 DA Civilians.  We may have to start closing services.  


27 Oct 14 - ACOE Results

Question:  Have we heard on the ACOE results yet?

Answer:  We received a virtual site visit last month and that went very well.  Results from ACOE will not come out until Jan-Feb 2015.

27 Oct 14 - Civilian Fitness Program

Question:  RSO: Civilian Fitness Program.  Can we start a self-monitored civilian fitness program?  Many of us have alternate work schedules and cannot participate in the current program. 

Answer:  In order to gain the full understanding of your work schedules, please consult Ms. Beverly Fordham (Installation Workforce Training Coordinator).  Ms. Fordham may be able to work with the program’s creator to develop a specific program for those employees on an alternate schedule.  Some portions are required to be monitored but periods of self-monitoring may be available, with the notification of your supervisor.

27 Oct 14 - Motorcycle Rodeo

Question:  ISO: Upcoming Motorcycle Rodeo.  How do we get folks on post to attend?

Answer:  Send an email to your vendors/customers and inform them of our procedure.  Ensure that they pre-plan and arrive approximately 30 minutes prior to get on post.  They may have to go to the Visitor Control Center (VCC) to get a pass.  Also inform DES of your event so that they are aware of additional people entering the installation.

27 Oct 14 - Background Checks

Question:  RSO.  Background checks.  Issues with getting local background checks and fingerprinting.  DES Officer is always unavailable.

Answer:  Starting 18 Dec 14 background checks and fingerprinting can be conducted with Officer Larry Joe on Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 0900-1130.  Training will always take precedence, so please call to verify availability with Officer Joe before sending folks over.

27 Oct 14 - SJA Staffing - Radiation Software

Question:  ISO: Radiation Software Program staffing action is still at SJA.  It has been several months, how can we get these documents?

Answer:  SJA is very overwhelmed and understaffed.  They are doing their best.  Please send the USAG-FS XO a request with specifics on what you are looking for and he will track it down. 


27 Oct 14 - Trailer for Motorcycle Course

Question: ISO: With the extension of Veterans Parkway, ISO will lose the motorcycle lot.  Can we add a trailer to the new lot for training?

Answer:  Yes. Please get with the DPW Master Planning Office and tell them your requirement.  They should be able to assist you.  Also please discuss this with Mr. Brouillette and make it a point of discussion at the USAG Staff Meeting.

27 Oct 14 - Mandatory Training

Question:  Mandatory Training:  Can we conduct one of the mandatory training classes during the SOTG?

Answer:  That is not the intent of the SOTG. In the FY15 Annual Training Guidance, directorates are provided guidance on dividing training throughout the year to alleviate a mass push at the end of the year.  Training Stand Down days are encouraged throughout the year in each directorate.  Training Holidays and other periods of down time make ideal times to complete mandatory training.  Please consult your directorate’s Training Coordinator for proper assistance.

27 Oct 14 - IMCOM related taskings

Question:  IMCOM related taskings: It is very hard for the small directorates to complete (ARIMS, MICP, IMO, QMB, ISR, etc).  It would be great if we could designate one person to do these tasks for the small directorates.

Answer:  There might be some efficiencies to be had there.  I think that everyone has the same issue though.  Everyone is downsizing, but not the tasks and unfortunately it will get worse. We will have to discuss this across the directorates.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

22 Oct 14 - RIF

Question:  Will there be another RIF? 

Answer:  I do not want to RIF anyone.  CPAC will send interest letters to employees in over-hire series not later than 31 Oct 14.  Those employees who are offered VERA/VSIP will need to be off the roles by 31 Mar 15. Normal attrition and VERA/VSIP are the main ways to voluntarily reduce the workforce.  If the budget is not fixed next year and sequestration kicks in, in FY16 then we may drop to 775 civilians by FY17.   We currently have over 100 over-hires and approx. 138 vacancies.  Grade and series mis-matches are the reason for so many over-hires.  When the TDA changes from up above, it takes time to re-shape the workforce.

22 Oct 14 - On-Boarding Process

Question:  On-boarding process?

Answer:  Onboarding is currently being discussed in one of our Quality Management Boards in order to make it effective across the installation.  DHR is the lead and will continue to work on the process to ensure it fully achieves desired objectives.  Stay tuned for more information in the upcoming months.

22 Oct 14 - 59 Minute Policy

Question:  What is the 59 minute policy?

Answer:  Myself, the Garrison CSM and your Director are the only ones who can approve 59 minutes.  Do not assume that 59 minutes will be given out on all training holidays.  This is a privilege, not a right.  Upon the discretion of your Director, they can approve 59 minutes so long as it does not affect your mission.

Vote on 4 Nov.  Follow the guidelines offered by the CPAC and your supervisor.

22 Oct 14 - Alternative Work Schedules

Question:  Alternative work schedules?  Telework?

Answer:  Alternate work schedules must be approved by your supervisors.  The flexible work schedule will be replacing RDO’s.  You can earn a total of 24 credit hours.  You must work within the core hours of 0900-1500. 

Telework requires justification up through management.  The issue with telework is that it could place your job in jeopardy.  IMCOM is looking at centralizing positions “hub-and-spoke” concept for positions that do not have daily interaction with customers.

IMCOM is taking the hardest hit throughout the Army.  Fort Stewart has already been cut 31%, and will be at 50% by FY17.  We are at the point right now to decide what services do we close and what will we be accountable for? 

22 Oct 14 - Contractors attending Supervisor Meetings

Question:  Why is it okay for contract workers to be in all of the supervisor’s meetings and know everything before we do?  Nothing is done without her input.

Answer:  Our contractors are a vital part of our workforce.  Many times we are intermingled and one cannot distinguish the category.  Our contractors are a vital part of our team and abide by the scope of work they are hired to perform. In the event information is inherently governmental in nature, contractors are excused from discussion/etc.

22 Oct 14 - Fairness in the Workplace

Question:  Fairness in the work place!  Why is it okay for one person to, let’s say, take a longer lunch and others have to put in leave?  Why or how do you go about asking for something you deserve?

Answer:  Fairness should be an expectation.  Be accountable for your timecard.  If you believe that there is timecard fraud, file a grievance with EEO.  We are not afraid to do an investigation. 

22 Oct 14 - Filling Vacancies

Question:  Most selections are pre-selected but go through the process as if they aren’t.  Targeted for certain people.

Answer:  That is not the intent.   If we open positions up competitively, we open it up IMCOM-wide.  Every position we open, we try to hire within the installation.  We have a fair and equitable system.  If you see something blatantly wrong, let me know and we will look into it through the EEO grievance process. 

I encourage you to look at the Annual Training Guidance (ATG) and the Annex for your directorate to see what training you can take to better improve yourself.  What are your aspirations?  What is your 3-5 year plan?  Take advantage of the cross training that is mentioned in the ATG.  Discuss these things with your supervisor during your counseling sessions.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

6 Oct 14 - CPAC Advisors

Question:  CPAC:  We need to have scheduled monthly/yearly screening sessions with our CPAC advisors.  When we have questions, they always tell us to look online, but the online system doesn’t answer all of our questions.  Not all of our forms aren’t being uploaded into eOPF.  

Answer:  CPAC can provide HR Tools training to the workforce.  However, they do not have the capacity to support an annual review by all Garrison employees.

It appears that the question is related to benefits and Army Benefits Center - Civilian (ABC-C) automated self service process. In those cases in which an employee may need to speak with a HR Specialist regarding specific benefits information ABC-C counselors are available Mon-Fri 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CT (877) 276-9287, (785) 240-2222, or DSN 520-2222. The counselors at ABC-C are available to address benefit related questions (Retirement, Health, Life, beneficiary forms, etc.)
The local CPAC advisors are also available in which appointments can be made to address HR related information, and advise if specific forms are maintained in eOPF.  Employees should review their eOPF throughout the year and make or request updates as appropriate.  Supervisors should ensure employees have access and encourage review.

6 Oct 14 - CES Classes Offered at FSGA

Question:  CES:  Will we be getting a CES class here any time soon? 

Answer:  None are scheduled at this time.  For FY14 and FY15 DHR/WFD requested Mobile Training Teams (MTTs) to conduct both Basic and Intermediate Courses on site at Ft Stewart.  We have been informed that due to reduction in force at the USA Combined Arms Center, insufficient instructor staff has not allowed them to conduct on-site classes.   We continue to coordinate this effort and hope to soon have one approved for FY15.
Suggestion from group:  Have the CES Courses offered by DCO at the Education Center.

Answer: The DHR/WFD Office has been trying to make contact with the school POC to see if this is an option.  As soon as we have an answer we will let the workforce know.

Update: 24 Oct 14 - DHR/WFD has been in contact with an instructor at Ft Leavenworth who stated that they do not know at this time if a DCO will be offered, but that there are many ideas being considered at this time.

6 Oct 14 - Retirement Seminars

Question:  I just attended the Retirement Seminar (29-30 Sep) and folks should not be told to wait until they are within their 5 year window because by then it will be too late.  Information is needed now to the workforce.  The priority list needs to change.  We are told that unless you are a Priority 1 (Less than 5 years) you cannot attend the seminar.  There were over 14 empty seats in the class.

Answer:  All employees are eligible for participation in the Pre-Retirement Planning Seminars.  The order of priority for selection is: 
PRIORITY 1:  Employees who are eligible and anticipate retiring during the next 2 years (FY 15/16).
PRIORITY 2:  Employees who are eligible and anticipate retiring during the next 5 years (FY 17/20).
PRIORITY 3:  Other employees who are CSRS or FERS enrollees (no time limit).

The Retirement Seminars given during the week of 29 Sep - 3 Oct consisted of 50 quotas purchased.  A total of 21 students were in the first class and 29 students were in the second class so all 50 quotas were filled.  The fact that there were empty seats in the classroom has no bearing on how many students were selected to attend.  The grouping of students by class (and therefore the number of students in the class) is dependent on which retirement system applies to the students.  Included in the two classes were Priority 1, Priority 2, and Priority 3 applicants.  In the early years of offering these classes, there were so many priority 1 and 2 students that it was unlikely priority 3 students would be selected.  Progress has been made so that classes contain fewer Priority 1, more Priority 2, and some Priority 3 students.  When the courses are announced, the priorities for attendees (as show above) are included and required for all nominees.  The criteria stated in the question (Q20) is not used for selection of attendees.