Answer: Each employee should have a sponsor and the sponsor should introduce them to the staff and chain of command within that directorate. The new employee also should attend the New Employee Orientation (NEO) where they will also have the opportunity to meet the GC/GCSM and DGC.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
6 Jan 14 - New Employees
Question: New employees
should be introduced to chain of command.
Answer: Each employee should have a sponsor and the sponsor should introduce them to the staff and chain of command within that directorate. The new employee also should attend the New Employee Orientation (NEO) where they will also have the opportunity to meet the GC/GCSM and DGC.
Answer: Each employee should have a sponsor and the sponsor should introduce them to the staff and chain of command within that directorate. The new employee also should attend the New Employee Orientation (NEO) where they will also have the opportunity to meet the GC/GCSM and DGC.
6 Jan 14 - Taskers
Question: Taskers: How can we complete a task if we don’t have
enough people to complete it? I was told I can’t go TDY for training because
there is no one to cover down for me.
Answer: No one is indispensible. The work will continue to go on if you are TDY. We can coordinate for BMM if no civilians are available to cover down. Have your directorate contact me if you cannot go to training.
Answer: No one is indispensible. The work will continue to go on if you are TDY. We can coordinate for BMM if no civilians are available to cover down. Have your directorate contact me if you cannot go to training.
6 Jan 14 - IPD
Question: IDP: What is the
point to having an IDP if we can’t fulfill it?
Answer: We don’t have a focus on training right now, but we are currently working on an Annual Training Guidance for FY14 and it will be out at the end of January. We will also be developing an OML so we can see who needs training and if there are funds available to send them to training. We need to hold our managers/supervisors accountable. I have also briefed this topic at the last two GC Supervisor Training Sessions. Should look into having directorates update their Staff Call Slides with current training requirements/data. Directorates should budget their training into their annual budget.
Answer: We don’t have a focus on training right now, but we are currently working on an Annual Training Guidance for FY14 and it will be out at the end of January. We will also be developing an OML so we can see who needs training and if there are funds available to send them to training. We need to hold our managers/supervisors accountable. I have also briefed this topic at the last two GC Supervisor Training Sessions. Should look into having directorates update their Staff Call Slides with current training requirements/data. Directorates should budget their training into their annual budget.
6 Jan 14 - Order of Merit List (OML)
Question: OML: If we have attended ANCOC/BNCOC Courses and
are exempt from attending CES Intermediate, can we still attend?
Answer: Yes. We need to start putting money into our workforce development program. If a course better improves your skillset, then we need to invest in our workforce and get them trained.
Answer: Yes. We need to start putting money into our workforce development program. If a course better improves your skillset, then we need to invest in our workforce and get them trained.
6 Jan 14 - CES Training
Question: CES training at
FSGA: A GS9 in ACS was denied a waiver
for the CES Intermediate Course, but other GS9’s have received waivers and
completed the training. Why did some
GS9’s receive waivers and others did not?
Answer: Two CES Courses were scheduled to come to FSGA but were cancelled due to lack of instructors available. The Annual Training Guidance will be coming out at the end of January and with that, we will be developing an OML so that we can see who needs specific training and how many. So when funding becomes available we can send folks on the list to CES courses. If they are not available, then we can go down the list to the next in line.
Answer: Two CES Courses were scheduled to come to FSGA but were cancelled due to lack of instructors available. The Annual Training Guidance will be coming out at the end of January and with that, we will be developing an OML so that we can see who needs specific training and how many. So when funding becomes available we can send folks on the list to CES courses. If they are not available, then we can go down the list to the next in line.
6 Jan 14 - 2 Bde Deactivation
Question: When will the
2de Bde Deactivation be completed?
Answer: 2d Bde should be deactivated by Jan
2015. Garrison is working with the
Division on restructuring and is providing several COA’s to Division to shuffle
units around. 82nd/83rd
Chemical may move over in the new 2d Bde cantonment area past CIF. 83rd Chemical is restructuring
their footprint. Engineer Battalions are
adding units as well.
6 Jan 14 - 2014 Budget
Question: What will the
budget be like in 2014?
Answer: The budget has been approved for FY14. There should not be any furloughs. There will be a personnel reduction between FY16-FY20 of approx 18-20 civilians at FS/HAAF. The Army is still looking at 108 programs to see which ones can be eliminated. Some programs can be partnered with private organizations. The Army has cut $4 billion in FY13. IMCOM Headquarters will not be going away. Each directorate should have a little more money in your budget this FY.
Answer: The budget has been approved for FY14. There should not be any furloughs. There will be a personnel reduction between FY16-FY20 of approx 18-20 civilians at FS/HAAF. The Army is still looking at 108 programs to see which ones can be eliminated. Some programs can be partnered with private organizations. The Army has cut $4 billion in FY13. IMCOM Headquarters will not be going away. Each directorate should have a little more money in your budget this FY.
6 Jan 14 - ICE Trophy
Question: ICE Trophy:
Suggested that the GC should hand out an ICE Trophy quarterly to the
directorate with the most positive ICE comments.
Answer: PAIO is presently working
on a quarterly ICE award program at the Directorate level based on this
recommendation. The program will begin
prior to the end of 2QTR FY14 after it is properly designed.
6 Jan 14 - Bingo
Question: Bingo: We were told
that bingo at FS was going to be combined with HAAF (via VTC) back in
December. It is 6 Jan and still nothing
has been done. What happened? FS Bingo has lower payouts than those at HAAF
which is not fair and why folks don’t play at FS as much as they do at HAAF.
Answer: We are going to combine the two bingo operations but unfortunately due to some software development problems and connectivity issues between the two locations it has been delayed. We had hoped to use the government fiber network to run the two systems but we were not allowed to access that network based on government information security issues. We have requested a commercial contract with a local fiber network provider and intend to have that in place within the next several weeks (February). Once connected, the two bingo locations will be operational.
Answer: We are going to combine the two bingo operations but unfortunately due to some software development problems and connectivity issues between the two locations it has been delayed. We had hoped to use the government fiber network to run the two systems but we were not allowed to access that network based on government information security issues. We have requested a commercial contract with a local fiber network provider and intend to have that in place within the next several weeks (February). Once connected, the two bingo locations will be operational.
at both locations are based on a percentage of the revenue generated by each
individual program. HAAF is able to play
larger programs because they receive a proportionally higher amount of people
than FS. FS Bingo currently plays a
program based on a lower amount of people/revenue which results in a lower
payout per game. This program allows us
to at least meet the minimum requirements for bingo operations established by
Army regulation. In the very near
future, when the two locations are linked together, the patrons at FS will be
playing the higher dollar games from HAAF.
For additional information please contact the Business Manager,
Hunter/FS Bingo at 315-4603.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
6 Nov 13 - Installation Suggestion Program
Question: Process Improvements - We need to re-engage the Installation Suggestion Program. With the current situation, there are probably many things that we can do better and more efficient. Having the Installation Suggestion Program and an incentive along with it, this could boost morale among the workforce. We could post results at future State of the Garrisons (SOTG) and acknowledge folks for their successful suggestions.
Answer: IMCOM dismantled the Suggestion Program but we accept new ways of doing things at any given time through our managers, the ICE Program or forums such as Brown Bags or SOTG. Great ideas are always welcomed.
Answer: IMCOM dismantled the Suggestion Program but we accept new ways of doing things at any given time through our managers, the ICE Program or forums such as Brown Bags or SOTG. Great ideas are always welcomed.
6 Nov 13 - Awards
Question: Awards are not fair. Why did GS9-12 get awards last year and GS8's and below did not?
Answer: For those GS9-12s, sequestration had not gone into effect when their ratings were due - thus they received their awards. Department of the Army (DA) implemented sequestration guidance and due to this, no awards (monetary or time off) were able to be processed. Employees were only eligible for certificates based on performance or special acts. We are still operating under these same restrictions until DA lifts the moratorium.
Answer: For those GS9-12s, sequestration had not gone into effect when their ratings were due - thus they received their awards. Department of the Army (DA) implemented sequestration guidance and due to this, no awards (monetary or time off) were able to be processed. Employees were only eligible for certificates based on performance or special acts. We are still operating under these same restrictions until DA lifts the moratorium.
6 Nov 13 - Emergency Exits at Bldg 1286
Question: Bldg 1286 at Hunter Army Airfield needs another emergency exit! There is only one way in and one way out and is a safety concern.
Answer: According to safety inspections by the fire inspector, the exit meets the requirements for the facility.
Answer: According to safety inspections by the fire inspector, the exit meets the requirements for the facility.
6 Nov 13 - Picture ID Cards for CYS Minor Children
Question: Can we look into getting a picture ID card from CYS for minor children? The card that they currently have does not allow them into some facilities because they don't have a picture ID to show.
Answer: Picture ID's for CYSS children/youth enrolled and participating in programs are not needed since the Child, Youth Management System (CYMS) was established worldwide to identify children/youth enrolled and actively participating. Besides the use of CYMS as the Point of Sales mechanism, it is also one of the checks and balances used for day-to-day child/youth accountability. The actual CYSS card issued to the family for the children/youth enrolled must be presented and scanned every day at the facility front desk upon arrival. This is a DA-CYSS mandated policy to ensure accountability of each child/youth present at the facility at all times of the facility operation. A picture ID would not change accountability policy; therefore picture ID's are not cost effective. We are not sure what facilities youth have been denied access to because of lack of a picture ID. CYSS does not require the picture on their CYMS card.
Answer: Picture ID's for CYSS children/youth enrolled and participating in programs are not needed since the Child, Youth Management System (CYMS) was established worldwide to identify children/youth enrolled and actively participating. Besides the use of CYMS as the Point of Sales mechanism, it is also one of the checks and balances used for day-to-day child/youth accountability. The actual CYSS card issued to the family for the children/youth enrolled must be presented and scanned every day at the facility front desk upon arrival. This is a DA-CYSS mandated policy to ensure accountability of each child/youth present at the facility at all times of the facility operation. A picture ID would not change accountability policy; therefore picture ID's are not cost effective. We are not sure what facilities youth have been denied access to because of lack of a picture ID. CYSS does not require the picture on their CYMS card.
6 Nov 13 - 2 Bde Deactivation Plan
Question: Regarding the 2 Bde Deactivation - can we utilize bldg 526 for classroom space? How can we start the acquisition paperwork to get this bldg? It would be a one-stop shop for ACAP Soldiers. Also the Education Center cannot grow their college program because of the lack of classroom space.
Answer: Great idea! DPW Master Planning will evaluate the needs of the program areas and prioritize demands in accordance with the deactivation of units.
Answer: Great idea! DPW Master Planning will evaluate the needs of the program areas and prioritize demands in accordance with the deactivation of units.
6 Nov 13 - Military Family Life Consultants (MFLC)
Question: Will the Military Family Life Consultants (MFLC) lose their contract?
Answer: I have not heard about this. I know that we will be losing programs Army-wide, but no specifics yet as to which ones they are.
Answer: I have not heard about this. I know that we will be losing programs Army-wide, but no specifics yet as to which ones they are.
6 Nov 13 - CES Course Coming to FS
Question: What happened to the CES Courses that were meant to come to FS?
Answer: Due to the sequestration we had in FY13, CES courses were cancelled along with all TDY. We will submit a request again this year.
Answer: Due to the sequestration we had in FY13, CES courses were cancelled along with all TDY. We will submit a request again this year.
6 Nov 13 - Shoppette Lines Too Long
Question: The cashier lines at the Shoppettes are too long at lunch and right after work!
Answer: AAFES management routinely surveys trend data with regards to purchases and staff accordingly. However, even with the proper staffing, lines are going to form, especially that our installation is seeing all Soldiers at homestation. Something we have not seen is a long time!
Answer: AAFES management routinely surveys trend data with regards to purchases and staff accordingly. However, even with the proper staffing, lines are going to form, especially that our installation is seeing all Soldiers at homestation. Something we have not seen is a long time!
6 Nov 13 - 59 Minute Rule
Question: Please explain the 59 minute rule?
Answer: I have given supervisors authority to give your workforce 59 minutes for a job well done without going through me. Be careful that you do not abuse it or play favoritism with some of your staff. Be prepared to cover down for your staff and ask the question: Is what I am doing legal and ethical?
Answer: I have given supervisors authority to give your workforce 59 minutes for a job well done without going through me. Be careful that you do not abuse it or play favoritism with some of your staff. Be prepared to cover down for your staff and ask the question: Is what I am doing legal and ethical?
6 Nov 13 - Emergency Notifications via Computers
Question: When the intercom goes off on post for emergency notifications/alerts/exercises, no one can hear it inside the buildings. Is there any way we can get the NEC to send out a notification through the computers that overrides all programs so the folks inside can see the notice that is being heard outside?
Answer: Great idea! Presently the NEC is standing by for a program that will alert our desktops as well as cellular devices that are registered in the system. The program is being piloted at another installation and pending the results, we will look to aquire such a program.
Answer: Great idea! Presently the NEC is standing by for a program that will alert our desktops as well as cellular devices that are registered in the system. The program is being piloted at another installation and pending the results, we will look to aquire such a program.
6 Nov 13 - BMM
Question: Borrowed Military Manpower (BMM). Concerned that it is not reflected against our stats. With the help of BMM, we are able to make the mission, but we wouldn't have if we didn't have the BMM. As we report our stats at the PMR, it looks like we don't need the civilian positions that we have lost but are covering down on with BMM. Is there anything we can do?
Answer: I agree, unfortunately there is not much we can do at this point. We need to provide service to our customers (Soldier, Family Members, Retirees, Civilians) and if we don't utilize BMM, our customers will suffer. Unfortunately we are also still working off a draft copy of the latest CLS. We have not received proper guidance from IMCOM yet.
Answer: I agree, unfortunately there is not much we can do at this point. We need to provide service to our customers (Soldier, Family Members, Retirees, Civilians) and if we don't utilize BMM, our customers will suffer. Unfortunately we are also still working off a draft copy of the latest CLS. We have not received proper guidance from IMCOM yet.
6 Nov 13 - Priority Placement Program (PPP)
Question: Please explain the process of the Priority Placement Program (PPP)?
Answer: As a DA Civilian travels overseas to another position or relocates with their Soldier spouse, they are placed on the PPP list. If the employee takes a position overseas, the agency cannot hire a permanent employee against that position. Employees have return rights to a position equal or lesser grade than their position when they originally departed. when they return, they can go back to that position or take another position elsewhere. If they do not take the position, they are removed from the PPP list. If you have specific concerns, please consult CPAC.
Answer: As a DA Civilian travels overseas to another position or relocates with their Soldier spouse, they are placed on the PPP list. If the employee takes a position overseas, the agency cannot hire a permanent employee against that position. Employees have return rights to a position equal or lesser grade than their position when they originally departed. when they return, they can go back to that position or take another position elsewhere. If they do not take the position, they are removed from the PPP list. If you have specific concerns, please consult CPAC.
6 Nov 13 - CES Basic Course for Temps
Question: Concerned with our temps who take the CES Basic Course online every year because their term ends before they can take the resident phase of the course. What can we do about this?
Answer: We are working with DHR in preparing an Annual Training Guidance and Workforce Development Plan that goes out 3-5 years. We will look at the PBG and prepare an Order of Merit List (OML) for civilian training and will spend year-end money on training for folks who need it. The Annual Training Guidance will be out by the end of Jan 2014.
Answer: We are working with DHR in preparing an Annual Training Guidance and Workforce Development Plan that goes out 3-5 years. We will look at the PBG and prepare an Order of Merit List (OML) for civilian training and will spend year-end money on training for folks who need it. The Annual Training Guidance will be out by the end of Jan 2014.
6 Nov 13 - MWR Rec Activities
Question: What is the purpose in having youth recreational activities if the facilities are always closed? FMWR has lost so much money this summer. The roller skating rink is a prime example. If they publicize it more, more children and parents will attend.
Answer: We are trying to get the workd out about events. FMWR marketing utilizes several venues to get the word out - Community News & Notes (CNN), Frontline, Quality times Magazine, Marne Messages, MWR Link, Facebook and we even put information out at FRG Meetings and FOD Reports that are sent to units. We are working on an APP that we came up with at a Focus Group with spouses. It should be out soon. Please send us any ideas you have to get the word out.
Answer: We are trying to get the workd out about events. FMWR marketing utilizes several venues to get the word out - Community News & Notes (CNN), Frontline, Quality times Magazine, Marne Messages, MWR Link, Facebook and we even put information out at FRG Meetings and FOD Reports that are sent to units. We are working on an APP that we came up with at a Focus Group with spouses. It should be out soon. Please send us any ideas you have to get the word out.
6 Nov 13 - Promiting From Within
Question: Is there somehow a hiring policy that could be put in place for management to initiate promoting from within?
Answer: Unfortunately we cannot change DA policy. As positions become available, I encourage you to apply for them. If you don't get it, maybe you can talk to the person who was chosen to find out what qualifications they had that you didn't. Look for ways to improve yourself and your interview skills. Be prepared - if you do move up, you may have to move locations, and some folks are not willing to do that.
Answer: Unfortunately we cannot change DA policy. As positions become available, I encourage you to apply for them. If you don't get it, maybe you can talk to the person who was chosen to find out what qualifications they had that you didn't. Look for ways to improve yourself and your interview skills. Be prepared - if you do move up, you may have to move locations, and some folks are not willing to do that.
6 Nov 13 - Pay back furlough days
Question: Rumor has it that DA is contemplating paying back the furlough days to Civilian employees. Is this true?
Answer: Civilians were reimbursed for lost days during the government shut down starting 1 Oct 13. for furloughed days in FY13, there will be no reimbursement.
Answer: Civilians were reimbursed for lost days during the government shut down starting 1 Oct 13. for furloughed days in FY13, there will be no reimbursement.
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