Thursday, October 23, 2014

6 Oct 14 - CPAC Advisors

Question:  CPAC:  We need to have scheduled monthly/yearly screening sessions with our CPAC advisors.  When we have questions, they always tell us to look online, but the online system doesn’t answer all of our questions.  Not all of our forms aren’t being uploaded into eOPF.  

Answer:  CPAC can provide HR Tools training to the workforce.  However, they do not have the capacity to support an annual review by all Garrison employees.

It appears that the question is related to benefits and Army Benefits Center - Civilian (ABC-C) automated self service process. In those cases in which an employee may need to speak with a HR Specialist regarding specific benefits information ABC-C counselors are available Mon-Fri 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CT (877) 276-9287, (785) 240-2222, or DSN 520-2222. The counselors at ABC-C are available to address benefit related questions (Retirement, Health, Life, beneficiary forms, etc.)
The local CPAC advisors are also available in which appointments can be made to address HR related information, and advise if specific forms are maintained in eOPF.  Employees should review their eOPF throughout the year and make or request updates as appropriate.  Supervisors should ensure employees have access and encourage review.

6 Oct 14 - CES Classes Offered at FSGA

Question:  CES:  Will we be getting a CES class here any time soon? 

Answer:  None are scheduled at this time.  For FY14 and FY15 DHR/WFD requested Mobile Training Teams (MTTs) to conduct both Basic and Intermediate Courses on site at Ft Stewart.  We have been informed that due to reduction in force at the USA Combined Arms Center, insufficient instructor staff has not allowed them to conduct on-site classes.   We continue to coordinate this effort and hope to soon have one approved for FY15.
Suggestion from group:  Have the CES Courses offered by DCO at the Education Center.

Answer: The DHR/WFD Office has been trying to make contact with the school POC to see if this is an option.  As soon as we have an answer we will let the workforce know.

Update: 24 Oct 14 - DHR/WFD has been in contact with an instructor at Ft Leavenworth who stated that they do not know at this time if a DCO will be offered, but that there are many ideas being considered at this time.

6 Oct 14 - Retirement Seminars

Question:  I just attended the Retirement Seminar (29-30 Sep) and folks should not be told to wait until they are within their 5 year window because by then it will be too late.  Information is needed now to the workforce.  The priority list needs to change.  We are told that unless you are a Priority 1 (Less than 5 years) you cannot attend the seminar.  There were over 14 empty seats in the class.

Answer:  All employees are eligible for participation in the Pre-Retirement Planning Seminars.  The order of priority for selection is: 
PRIORITY 1:  Employees who are eligible and anticipate retiring during the next 2 years (FY 15/16).
PRIORITY 2:  Employees who are eligible and anticipate retiring during the next 5 years (FY 17/20).
PRIORITY 3:  Other employees who are CSRS or FERS enrollees (no time limit).

The Retirement Seminars given during the week of 29 Sep - 3 Oct consisted of 50 quotas purchased.  A total of 21 students were in the first class and 29 students were in the second class so all 50 quotas were filled.  The fact that there were empty seats in the classroom has no bearing on how many students were selected to attend.  The grouping of students by class (and therefore the number of students in the class) is dependent on which retirement system applies to the students.  Included in the two classes were Priority 1, Priority 2, and Priority 3 applicants.  In the early years of offering these classes, there were so many priority 1 and 2 students that it was unlikely priority 3 students would be selected.  Progress has been made so that classes contain fewer Priority 1, more Priority 2, and some Priority 3 students.  When the courses are announced, the priorities for attendees (as show above) are included and required for all nominees.  The criteria stated in the question (Q20) is not used for selection of attendees.

6 Oct 14 - Deployment

Question:  Is the Division scheduled for a deployment? 

Answer:  Not officially.  2 Brigade is getting ready to conduct their re-organization; Division TAC is deploying in about two weeks; HQs may deploy before Christmas, depending on what happens in Afghanistan.

6 Oct 14 - Time off Awards

Questions:  Will there be time off awards this year? 

Answer:  Yes.

6 Oct 14 - VERA / VSIP

Question:  Will there be another round of VERA/VSIP? 

Answer:  Yes. CPAC will send interest letters to employees in over-hire series not later than 31 Oct 14.  Those employees who are offered VERA/VSIP will need to be off the roles by 31 Mar 15. Normal attrition and VERA/VSIP are the main ways to voluntarily reduce the workforce.  If the budget is not fixed next year and sequestration kicks in, in FY16 then we may drop to 775 civilians by FY17.   We currently have over 100 over-hires and approx. 138 vacancies.  Grade and series mis-matches are the reason for so many over-hires.  When the TDA changes from up above, it takes time to re-shape the workforce.

6 Oct 14 - Additional Taskings

Question:  IMCOM related taskings: It is very hard for the small directorates to complete (ARIMS, MICP, IMO, etc).  It would be great if we could designate one person to do  these tasks for the small directorates.

Answer:  There might be some efficiencies to be had there.  I think that everyone has the same issue though.  Everyone is downsizing, but not the tasks and unfortunately it will get worse.

6 Oct 14 - Parking lot around Bldg 624

Question:  The parking lot around Bldg 624 is being used as a thoroughfare.  It is very dangerous driving through the parking lot with so many people speeding. 

Answer:  Parking lots will always be a primary concern for me and the DES.  Parking lots continue to be the top location for accidents across the installation and we ask that everyone pays close attention, slows down, and maintains awareness for motorists and pedestrians.

6 Oct 14 - Dress Code

Question:  Dress Policy:  Is the dress code enforced?  Who enforces it?

Answer:  Yes the dress code policy is in effect.  It is the Garrison Policy Letter #13 (Standards of Dress).  The directorates, facility managers, senior leaders all enforce the policy.  The CG has pushed loud noise, profanity, and the dress code.  The dress code is an everyday problem.  I have spoken with the AAFES and DECA managers about it.  If you see something, don’t say anything to the person, go to the manager and they will address the issue.

6 Oct 14 - Organizational Days

Question:  Organization Days:  Are there stipulations to how long they are?

Answer:  No there are not stipulations to the length of time whether they are four hours or eight hours.  ACS just had theirs and it was an all-day event.  They incorporated resiliency events into theirs.

6 Oct 14 - Installation to Celebrate 75 Years

Question:  Fort Stewart is turning 75 years old soon.  Maybe we could have an event and invite the community.  Maybe we could reduce the cost of events to get more people involved.

Answer:  We are currently in the planning phase of the 75th anniversary.  Stay tuned to media announcements as we near closer to this historic event.

6 Oct 14 - Garrison Events

Question:  When CSM Ervin was here he used to have a garrison function like bowling.  But I haven’t heard of a garrison event lately.  Are we going to have an event soon to build morale?

Answer:  CSM Ervin didn’t golf so he chose bowling instead of having a Golf Scramble.  All of my GC Golf Scrambles are open to everyone.

6 Oct 14 - Cross Training

Question:  In the FY15 ATG OPORD there is a point regarding cross training.  How long would that cross training be?  What is the process to request this training?

Answer:  Have your supervisor let me know who, and for how long, and where you would like to cross train, and I will reach out to the other directorate.

Question:  What about VA?  Do they have an office here?

Answer:  No, technically VA isn’t part of the Army.  We would need to have to look into an MOA with them.

6 Oct 14 - Emails sent to GC

Question:  Do you answer your emails, or does someone else answer them?

Answer:  I answer my own emails 24/7.

Q9:  I sent you an email after the last SOTG and never received a response.

Answer:  Please send it to me again.  If it was sent on SharePoint, I don’t get it.

6 Oct 14 - MWR Dinner Theaters

Question:  When will MWR be doing more dinner plays?

Answer:  There are a couple of these offered each year.  All Garrison FMWR’s compete for them.  There are currently no dinner theater’s scheduled at this time.  DFMWR is working on trying to find one.

6 Oct 14 - ICE Heroes

Question:  ICE Heroes:  Can we stop this monthly process?  I have to beg directorates to give me names and they never want to send me names.

Answer:  Thank you for bringing this to my attention.  I will reinforce this with the Directors as it is a great opportunity to highlight our workforce’s achievements. I know employees are doing great things because I read them in the Voice of the Customer report monthly. 

6 Oct 14 - Q&A at SOTG

Question:  Recommend open discussion at every State of the Garrison (SOTG).  Pre-plan questions and have at least five people answer each question.  This way you know what is really getting to the lowest level of the workforce.

Answer: Great idea.  I would like to do that.  A question sheet will be added to the SOTG slides scheduled for 28 & 31 October.

6 Oct 14 - Communication Flow / Internal Staff Meetings

Question:  Communication flow – information is being passed through email, as it relates to outside agencies from our supervisor, but we have ceased to have staff meetings for work related issues.

Answer:  I encourage all of my directorates to conduct internal staff meetings and share both internal and external information as related to their organization to enhance communication from the top down.

6 Oct 14 - USAG Staff Meeting Minutes

Question:  Can minutes/highlights from the Garrison Staff Meetings be put on the website for the workforce?  We do not receive any information in PAIO.  We do not have staff meetings.

Answer:   The slides for each staff meeting can be found at the following link:  \\stewneca700\imcom\hqcmd\gc-staff-slides   These slides contain the most up-to-date information available and shared in our staff meetings. I encourage all of my directorates to conduct internal staff meetings and share both internal and external information as related to their organization to enhance communication from the top down.
Question: Not everyone has a CAC card, and you need one to access SharePoint.

Answer: All DA Civilians and Soldiers have Common Access Cards.  Only select contractors that do not have a need to access a computer do not possess a CAC.  If you are having trouble accessing SharePoint, please consult your IMO or the USAG S6 office. 

6 Oct 14 - Counseling Sessions & Awards/Incentives

Question:  New director and no counseling or evaluations completed in over eight months.  No awards given since 2012 to staff with exception of three people.  No incentives.  Morale is very low.  Some want to be in charge who are not a supervisor by job description.  Too many chiefs in a small office.

Answer:  IAW AR 690-400 and USAG Policy Letter #23, employees will be provided counseling and evaluations as required. This is the job of a supervisor and to fall out of compliance is not acceptable.  Supervisors are trained on requirements during the Supervisor’s Development Course as well as through advisement by the CPAC.  If you have not received your evaluation 45 days after your performance period ends, please take this up with your rater and senior rater. If this is not resolved, please feel free to contact your Director, the Deputy Garrison Commander, or myself.
Award guidance is established in USAG Policy Letter #17—Garrison Civilian Award of Excellence Program.  The policy identifies approval authority for awards (monetary and non-monetary).  Awards are not entitlements.  Directors, managers, and supervisors will award deserving employees identified through performance in the workplace.  The GC Award of Excellence Program is also a great opportunity that co-workers can nominate employees for recognition.  With this said, I expect each organization to be award excellent performance with appropriate recognition.

6 Oct 14 - Updates in eOPF

Question:  Recommend that more than one person in the organization be allowed to submit evaluations into the system to ensure they get there.

Answer:  Each Directorate may establish their own internal procedures for uploading personnel information into the appropriate software.  With PII and other sensitive information, this role is closely monitored to ensure confidentiality of employees.  Based on the office structure, Director’s may delegate one or more individuals to perform this administrative function.  Employees will receive a system generate email when something is uploaded to their eOPF.

6 Oct 14 - Counseling Sessions

Question:  No initial counseling, IDP review or discussion on work duties/responsibilities.  The internal processes are working because of previous agreements between office workers.

Answer:  Supervisors have an inherent responsibility to articulate each employee’s objectives as associated with their position description and requirements within the office environment.  Supervisors are required to provide not only initial and mid-point counseling, but also two additional quarterly counseling sessions to determine progress throughout the performance period.  This is clearly outlined in USAG Policy Letter #23,  IDPs are the responsibility of the employee to outline training requirements and opportunities for development with supervisors approving them and making necessary adjustments.  These are also critical talking points during counseling sessions to determine how we are doing as a team in developing our staff. 

In the event these are not being conducted, please feel free to contact your Director, the Deputy Garrison Commander, or myself after consulting your first line supervisor.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

29 Sep 14 - Sequestration - Vote

Comment from GC:  Everyone needs to vote and fight sequestration.  Find out where your congressmen stand on the issue.  If passed in the upcoming election, it will go in effect from FY16-FY19.

29 Sep 14 - DES Central Location

Question:  Why can’t we have a main building with all of DES in it?

Answer:  There was a project two years ago to build a new DES but it busted the budget.  With the shuffling of units, we are re-looking for a structure that will fit the bill and some remodeling to fit the DES in.

Attendee:  Please ask the day-to-day workers, who would be in the building, for their input when preparing for the remodeling. 

29 Sep 14 - Training in DES

Question:  We don’t train enough together in DES.   There was open discussion among attendees about how they can move forward with this and come together better with their training requirements.

Answer:  We do pretty good at a larger level like hurricane training.  Do you all know the police officers in Hinesville and Savannah?  This was an issue at our Strategic Planning Seminar back in February.  We now have events like “Cops & Coffee”.  We need to get this information down to the lowest level.  Next year’s hurricane exercise will be in conjunction with the State’s exercise.

29 Sep 14 - Position Transfer from Civilian to Military

Question:  Can you transfer a civilian position to a military position?

Answer:  The only positions that were transferred were the DES Director and Dep DES Director positions.   The DES Director is now a military position and the Dep DES Director position is a civilian position.

29 Sep 14 - DES Over-hires

Question:  Will you keep the DES over-hires?

Answer:  I will probably leave them there.  It is not my intention at this point to RIF anyone if I don’t have to.  If I have to conduct a RIF, the challenge that I am faced with is trying to fill positions with over-hires.  I currently have 138 vacancies, but am at 98% strength because of the over-hires.  We are hoping to be allowed to use RIF rules to fill vacancies. For example: a 1 up/1 down transfer, or a 90 day On-the-job-training (OJT). Right now we can’t move personnel if they don’t meet the minimum requirements.

29 Sep 14 - Comment - VCC

Comment:  The Visitor Control Center (VCC) is working!  Outstanding!

29 Sep 14 - Comment - Right Leadership in DES

Comment: Heading in the right direction!  Got the right leadership who seriously care about the directorate.

29 Sep 14 - Comment - Great Directorate

Comment:  DES is a great directorate to work for.  I have enjoyed my time here and my co-workers have been wonderful!

29 Sep 14 - Comment - Re-building

Comment:  Sir we are "re-building the house."

29 Sep 14 - Brown Bag Lunch Attendees

Question:  Several times in the last several years I have asked to go to these “Brown Bag Lunches” and have been told that I couldn’t because the attendees have already been selected.  What is the purpose of this if management “selects” who they want to go?  If there is nothing to hide then why not open it up to volunteers or those who have an issue?  Also, due to reprisal, some are scared to go.  Can topics and issues discussed, be shared with all in the directorate so those not in attendance can know what is going on?  How do I know this question is being addressed or is it shredded before being discussed at the meeting?

Answer: No one should be selected to attend Brown Bag Lunches.  I hope that everyone who came today did so because they wanted to and wanted to have lunch with me.  All Brown Bag questions are answered and posted on the Team Stewart website under the DA Civilian TAB at the top of the screen.  You can view Q&A’s from any of the previous Brown Bag Lunches.

29 Sep 14 - Promotions

Question:  Is there a freeze on promotions?  GS level not step increases.

Answer:  No there is not a freeze on promotions.  We are competing positions on USA JOBS website every day.  If you are qualified for any vacancy we are competing, I encourage you to apply.

29 Sep 14 - Civilian Job Cuts

Question:  Is there going to be another round of civilian job cuts?  If so, when will it end?

Answer:   Yes.  The Army is looking to downsize to 490k.  If sequestration continues in FY15, there will be a 13% reduction in civilian jobs.  We cannot afford another cut in civilian jobs.  There may be a few cuts from DACP.  The hardest hits are from DPW and DPTMS.  I am trying not to do a RIF.  Pay attention to the elections.  Let your congressmen know your concerns with sequestration.  Continuing Resolution was signed through 11 Dec 14.  In 2011 we had 1526 DA Civilians, in 2014 our authorizations are 929 DA Civilians, in 2015 our authorizations will be 855 DA Civilians, and by 2017 our authorizations will be 775 DA Civilians.

29 Sep 14 - New TDA Enforced for Pay

Question:  When will the new TDA be enforced for pay?

Answer:  IMCOM is using the FY15 TDA right now for staffing purposes and will switch to the approved FY16 TDA sometime around January 2015.  Civilians on-board will continue to get paid every two weeks as long as they are employed.  We will downsize the number of Civilians on-board through voluntary means such as attrition, PCS and VERA/VSIP. 

29 Sep 14 - Will PDs be upgraded?

Question:  DES BMO staff has assumed numerous additional duties due to loss of personnel because of VERA/VSIP.  Will PD’s be upgraded to reflect these duties?

Answer:  Yes it should be.  The problem with VERA/VSIP is that it abolishes the positions.  Your PD should be adjusted and gone over with you during your counseling sessions. 

29 Sep 14 - Civilian Downsizing in DES

Question:  Why are there so many Soldiers at DES now?  There are 2 GS-9’s.  Can they possibly see GS-11 due to the extensive workload and additional duties?

Answer:  DES is working on improving their systems.  Soldiers won’t affect GS positions.  Funding and downsizing affects civilian positions.  A lot of this is your management and how they want to restructure their sections.