Thursday, March 26, 2015

20 Mar 15 - Book Club

Question:  Idea to start a book club.  Great way to keep people motivated.  Or have an APP where folks can discuss ideas with their peers/mentors.

Answer: That is a good idea.  A key part would be to set aside time to do it.  We need to get the younger staff to believe in it and participate.  Similar to talent management.  GS 13-14’s already have 20-30 years of service.  We need to hit the early career staff, that’s who needs to be in talent management. 

20 Mar 15 - GS 13-14 Developmental Programs

Question:  Developmental Programs for GS 13-14 require a secret clearance.  For those folks who do not have a secret clearance (not a part of your job description), they cannot take advantage of the courses.

Answer: I would first recommend that you complete the CES Advanced Course as it is becoming a pre-requisite to many advanced courses.  If you would like to then apply to the Command and General Staff Officer Course (CGSOC) or the Executive Leader Development Program (ELDP) and do not have a secret clearance, I recommend that you first speak to your directorate regarding your professional development plans.  Your directorate can submit a memorandum through me to the DPTMS Security Division requesting for you to obtain a secret clearance with the intent of being accepted to one of the programs listed above or other executive-level courses.  The DPTMS Security Division will start the secret clearance process.  The timeframe for a secret clearance to be fully completed through all of the different channels is different for each person.

20 Mar 15 - Women's Mentoring Program

Question:  Thank you Sir for your support with the Women’s Mentorship Program.  It was a great experience and good for the installation.

Answer: It was my pleasure.  I hope that we can continue it.  I believe that EEO will be offering it again sometime in May.

A mentoring program should go down to the lowest level.  That will change the attitude of the garrison surveys.  It is an invaluable program and also important to provide feedback.

20 Mar 15 - ACS AFAP Accreditation

Comment from ACS: ACS AFAP passed their accreditation and did an outstanding job.  We have some “best practices” in the program that we should share with other installations.

20 Mar 15 - ISR Status Reporting

Comment from GC:  ISR Status Report is currently showing us at GREEN level due to BMM and some measures that are not addressed correctly.  We will be pulling out BMM from our status reporting.

20 Mar 15 - FY16 TDA

Comment from GC:  IMCOM Cdr has stated that they are trying to work through the funding shortfall of $960M.  There is not a lot of pressure to get to the FY16 TDA numbers.  We will continue to work through it with natural attrition.

19 Mar 15 - Priority Placement Program (PPP)

Question:  Priority Placement Program (PPP)

Answer:  DGC: It is a DoD program.  CPAC considers you by worldwide, region, and installation.  Once you are in the PPP Program you have one shot at accepting a position.  When you are offered a position and you don’t take it, you are on your own.

NAF personnel are not currently a part of the PPP.  Most of the MWR personnel are NAF employees.  IMCOM is looking at the Human Capital Plan and the NAF policy is being addressed in there. 

19 Mar 15 - Access Passes for Non-Affililiated Personnel

Question:  Access passes that are being given to non-affiliated folks who have golf, skeet, bowling memberships, etc. are receiving passes that say “MWR GYM”.  They are now using the gym and are not authorized to use the gym.

Answer: Thank you for bringing this to our attention.  FMWR will advise all managers immediately that gate access cards do not entitle people to Fitness Center usage.  Managers will reinforce that gym customers must have a valid identification card (Common Access Card, Retiree Card, Dependent Card, or Gold Star Card) authorizing gate access in accordance to AR 215-1.  We appreciate you bringing this to our attention.

19 Mar 15 - Gate Access in April

Question:  Could you please elaborate on the gate access process in April?

Answer: From 1-30 April the Directorate of Emergency Services will close the Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield Visitor Control Centers between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.  This measure is being taken to help the Garrison's ability to determine future planning efforts of our Access Control and Visitor Control Measures.  All visitors who have a valid pass or Common Access Card / Military ID to access post unescorted will be able to access post as normal.

Visitors who do not have a valid pass or Common Access Card / Military ID will not be granted unescorted access to the installation and will be required to have a valid Common Access Card / Military ID holder physically meet them at Gate 1 (FS) or the Montgomery Gate (HAAF) for access.  The valid ID Holder will be the visitor's "Sponsor" while on the installation.

Once the sponsor meets their guest at the gate they will be allowed to follow their sponsor in their vehicle to their final destination.  Visitors will be logged onto post once the sponsor arrives at the gate.  The Sponsor will be responsible and held accountable to maintain positive control of those they escort on and off the installation.  Sponsors are also responsible for the personal conduct of their visitors. 

Only valid Sponsors 18 and older will be allow to sponsor Guests/Visitors during this time period.  Up to five visitors will be allowed per sponsor.

Sponsors who fail to obey this directive could lose the privilege of sponsoring future guests or visitors. 

Your cooperation and patience is requested during this time period.  For questions or concerns relating to this Test Phase please contact Art Weston, Chief of Physical Security at (912) 767-1183

2 Mar 15 - DPW Oversight on Licensed Projects

Question:  DPW oversight on licensed projects.  They are not informing us when contractors come out to do work.  They are tearing up our site and there is no DPW oversight with them. 

Answer:  Due to the lack of manpower, DPW does not have the personnel to escort contractors to each job.  The contractor has a “Quality Assurance Plan” written into their contracts which state how they will be complete the jobs.  The DPW personnel will conduct spot checks and will check on critical phases of the jobs, but they do not escort contractors to each job site.


2 Mar 15 - NEC Obligations

Question: When the DOIM transitioned to the NEC, how did that change their obligation to us?

Answer:  There is an MOU signed that states that items they provided to the installation before would not change.  We are also looking at re-establishing IMOs or requesting them as over-hires.

2 Mar 15 - Texting on Blackberry's

Question: Is the policy letter on no texting on blackberry’s still in effect?

Answer:  There is no charge for texting on a blackberry.  However text messages have been blocked on cell phones because there is a cost associated after 20 text messages.

2 Mar 15 - LOHMA KD Range Contract

Question: LOHMA (Location Hit & Miss) device at the Known Distance Range – need $50k to complete.

Answer:  The cost for location of Miss and Hit (LOMAH) for Red Cloud - Echo Known distance Range is $95,452.09.  will be purchased based on availability of funds.

2 Mar 15 - Checks & Balances

Question:  The automated systems are time consuming. GCC GFEBS, etc. with all the extra checks and balances involved now.

Answer:  I agree with you.  Everyone recognizes it.  We have a bad process and IMCOM controls the purse strings.  It is painful in every area.  We have to start weighing this stuff out and start saying what we are going to stop doing.

2 Mar 15 - Re-balance

Question:  As far as the rebalance is concerned, is there a timeframe assigned to it?

Answer:  Not really.  As we need to downsize, we will provide VERA/VSIP, normal attrition, re-assignments, and the last resort is a RIF to get down the numbers.

2 Mar 15 - IOC Issues

Question:  IOC Issues.  There are a lot of local requirements to deal with.  Do we want to view it as IMCOM’s perspective or Region’s perspective as far as the MDEP reduction?

Answer:  We need to lay down what we provide to justify the positions.  Region is asking if we need to have a 24-hour operation?  If so, why?  We have to justify how we have no more people to cut and if we do, we will have to stop services or request over-hires. 

We will be going back to ISR-Services and taking BMM out of the equation to print a more realistic picture.

2 Mar 15 - TMP Vehicles

Question: Vehicles needed by multiple people and DPTMS only has one.  Truck should be for CMC and DPTMS should have the sedan.

Answer:  Please count and justify your miles showing validated usage.  As long as you get between 300-400 miles per month I will support you.