Monday, September 26, 2011

23 Sep 2011: DRMO

Comment: Comments that we (DOL) are turning into a dumping ground for units because we do not have a local DRMO - what should we do about this?

Answer: The Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO), recently changed their name to Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services (DLADS).  All FS and HAAF customers who have unserviceable or excess items are required to turn in to their supporting SSA.  If items are excess to the supporting SSA, they will either turn into DLADS or DOL depending on authorized disposition level of the item.  Units that incorrectly try to turn in items to DOL are informed of correct pocedures.  DOL has made exceptions in the past and accepted DLADS items from SSA's if we have a DLADS pickup scheduled for our building and have less than a truckload.  Corrective Action:  DOL will coordinate with the five SSA's at FS and HAAF and insure they are aware of correct procedures for utilizing DLADS and pass this on to their supported customers.

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